Business Trips....

Business Trips....

23 1 2

Sam Golbach is the son of Cindy and Kirk Golbach they are employed at a model business and their daughter alison Golbach is their model cause shes really pretty sam was excited for his birthday but only to get told they have a business trip for a modeling magazine he was sad that he was gonna go to school alone on his birthday…

Road To Recovory

Road To Recovory

7 0 3

Samual Golbach mother sadly passed away and his father is making him move to Las Angeles California hes going to a private school were he gets bullied as he cross dresses and is a quiet nerd but then he meets a guy who's name is corey and he gets introduced to Corey's friend group…



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Sam a biker going for a ride as a man starts to stumble over to him as he realized he left his gel pepper spray at home.......…