Deep Secrets within

Deep Secrets within

12 2 2

An 18 Year old girl trapped in a life of rebellion and boredom, stuck living at a bordering school far away in the country, meets her strict English teacher who will not tolerate it.…

Teacher's Pet

Teacher's Pet

23 6 5

A normal school girl, wishing to just flee from school forever. Returns to her least favourite lesson to be introduced by her new love interest.…

Bosses Secret Pet

Bosses Secret Pet

73 9 7

A young aspiring woman is granted an opportunity that awakes her, a life changing promotion to assistant-head director of her company. She seeks to find true love. However, when she meets her new boss, things begin to change. What will she do?TW: contents, strong language, abuse, injury detail, strong themes.…

Taking The Kill

Taking The Kill

17 4 4

The drama continues... Two men, going about there daily lives, meet in an awkward way only to find they can't get each other of there mind.…

Vic's Secret

Vic's Secret

38 11 10

A girl from a troublesome background,Defined by her past and her families old ways, she finds herself seeking away from the old life she used to live. When she greeted with a new trouble to conquer. What will she do?…

Haunted Souls

Haunted Souls

1 1 1

A hidden woods abandoned by society lurks a dark truth about its origin, a forbidden story locked by ryhmes and urban legends, Someone seeks to find why this happened...…

Falling For Another

Falling For Another

27 6 6

A broken woman tries to seek a new life and a new lover. However, this isn't a love story after all there is no real happy endings.…