GOOD wife

GOOD wife

526,441 4,246 18

-:EXCERPT:-"It pains." I sobbed. "I don't want it right now.""I don't need your permission to fuck this tight pussy."." He rubbed my vagina. *****Love. Marriage. Family. Death.It is a life cycle. But HER life is different. Everything happened in a blink that SHE never got a chance to manage HER life. The struggle of two people in one relationship affects every person related.Anastasia was bound in a loveless marriage, lived and raised her daughter alone in the big mansion. She waited for her husband to come to the home but he never came.…

After THE TASTE | Complete | Unedited

After THE TASTE | Complete | Unedited

29,385 1,435 57

"I have never done this," I muttered, hypnotized by his eyes."Nobody knows everything." He answered and gave me his hand."You are so... so... So... beautiful." He was whispering his secret and I had his chiselled jaw wrapped in a small stubble beard in my hands. "You don't have to know anything. Follow me." He pulled me into his arms, he mumbled, I leaned over and kissed him.I cupped his cheeks and pulled him to kiss my lips. I want to savour those lips. He obeyed. He stormed into my life on a rainy day, one day just to shelter me. He was always uninvited into my life but once I tasted him, I realised I am more than I can be. He became my favourite taste until I learnt his truth.…

beth | Completed | Editing

beth | Completed | Editing

80,215 2,941 64

Beth was trying to make a better life for the only family left but one wrong decision cost her everything. Now, Beth is stuck in Mafia, waiting for her death until one day..."I was with Eli for 3 years, yet she wanted you. Valerio carved for you. Mrs Rossi cried for you. And now, I envy you." She confessed before walking out.*Excerpt*"If I claim you tonight, you will be mine for the rest of your life.""Then claim me." I could feel him smiling on my neck."Your wish is my command." He lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist but didn't leave my lips. He carried me to the bedroom. We continue to ravish each other. This is an unedited first draft, which will soon go for major construction.I never felt so alive."Kids......." He shut me up with his kiss and…

Dazzled Princess | Complete | Editing

Dazzled Princess | Complete | Editing

24,243 841 57

"You are entertaining." He commented. "I am here to help you," I said trying to as calm as possible. He is a mafia prince expert in the art of weapon and arms. As far as I know, they are dangerous. After many years of knowledge that I gained from this mafia is that I should be afraid of him. But if he does something, I will fight before dying but I won't give up."Nice to meet you AGAIN." He raised his hand to reach me but I walked back that caused me to fall on his soft mattress. "I will leave, once I am done," I said removing hairs from my face. I was warned before that I should use a tight rubber band but I preferred a loose one. I should consider this advice, I am a nurse. "Someone is in hurry." He said and catching my both ankles, he pulled me close to him.I yelped with his act.What the hell?"I will finish it." He said and climb on top of me.No...Valerio Rossi is a young Italian businessman who is mafia Prince in the nights. Betrayed by family, drowned in grief, soon lost in the dazzle of Princess."I was once happy. It was my happy forever after, but that didn't last forever. Betrayed by destiny, drowned in memories, I was soon lost in the dazzle of the Mafia Prince."This is an unedited first draft, which will soon go for major construction.…

Eliza-beth | Complete | unedited

Eliza-beth | Complete | unedited

28,352 1,254 50

This is an unedited first draft, which will soon go for major construction.Eliza-beth, where HIS secrets are revealed. Family breaks/unite, past is relived. Devil dies, heir rise, mafia politics......After everything is at peace, at least I feel this way. After killing the man who destroyed my life, I find everyone played their part. They needed someone to put the blame and I was there with no one to defend me. So I paid the price of their mistakes. I lost my family, my life, my dreams but Karma is a bitch. Without doing anything, they all paid. But even after everything I loved them, I never wanted them to suffer but I can't fight with fate. Even with the mystery that my man in black hides. But I like to solve that mystery every day."He said we were connected even before we born. I am his and he is mine. In this life and next life."(must read 'beth' to understand Eliza-beth)*Excerpt*"Valerio has his own issues." I snapped."Calm down. You are behaving like a possessive woman." She tried to lighten my mood and laughed. But no....she failed. Because I didn't feel any humour in it."I am a possessive Mrs ROGERS." I declared openly."You are blind. Can't you see what he did?" She taunted me. "He's up to something...... Bigger. Heinous." She whispered.…

Autumn Delight | complete | Unedited

Autumn Delight | complete | Unedited

27,464 852 50

His slow yet deep kiss, made me forget what was right or wrong. "I love the way, your body reacts to me." He touched my jaw sensually.I pushed him trying to come to my senses, but he was not ready. He pulled me to the bed where I check my patients and scooped me up to sit."I... I check my....my patients here."Pregnancy was part of her revenge and falling in love was out of questions. But he rejected her yet she loved him. 'Love is blind'. She gave him all the chances she could think of. Despite being an independent woman, she was vulnerable, heartbroken by multiple rejections. But to be loved by someone, you need to learn to love yourself first.Is it too late or the beginning of a second chance?…

Love of a Hunter | Complete| Unedited

Love of a Hunter | Complete| Unedited

16,358 815 57

"She raped me." I heard Hunter defending Himself.His declaration was like a mockery and my neighbours started laughing at him. Everybody believes only females are the subject of sexual exploitation. Is it true?"I knew, nobody would believe me. Men get raped too." Hunter sounded frustrated. "I knew no one would believe me that's why I did what I felt right. Stay away from me, Ms Rogers." I heard him rushing around the floor. "I will get a restraining order against her."Savannah Rogers is not a spoiled princess, anymore. She's a baker working in her step-mother's restaurant. Ideal sister, perfect daughter and a princess, drunk one night when she witnesses her love getting engaged to someone else. Drunk Savannah did something that will either give everything or will take something.Hunter Maxwell has always been a good lad to Mr Rogers. Born with mysteries, lived with miseries when Hunter hunts, he haunts. So, when Savannah comes back in his life not alone, giving him a reason, either to finish everything or forget something.…