Endless Chasm

Endless Chasm

11 3 5

"My love for you is as deep as an endless chasm."Time and tide waits for none, they say. All I wish for is more time with you. But, time doesn't wait for anyone, so does life. I pass each day with the want of your quirky outlook of life, your warmth, your kisses.......... just you. I just wish you know my love for you is as deep as an endless chasm.…



391 20 14

Kayla Soammes never wanted to return back to San Diego when she left her hometown seven years ago for college but now returns back at last. What happens when her ex-boyfriend, Finn Solomon, is her dad's apprentice and all the things that she wanted to forget and all that happened in the past happens all over again and haunts her. Her life is taken for a roller coaster ride without her consent. Read the book to know what happens!…