Dragon: A Histories of Purga Novel

Dragon: A Histories of Purga Novel

480 51 34

I read Dragon and liked it. This is worth reading. - Review by: Piers Anthony (Bestselling author of the Xanth novels)Rooks have embraced science and technology, inventing microscopic robots called nanos to create any machine they need. The Terraquois are their opposite. They embraced the spiritual and developed a deep bond with nature. This bond allows them to shift into the animal that resembles their true inner selves.These two races have fought each other with brutal savagery for centuries, but a new threat called the Blak Army has emerged and its evil is matched only by its ruthlessness. With insidious, ancient power at the fingertips of their mad leader, Wilhelm Coran, their victory is nearly assured. The only threat to his plans are a Terraquois girl named Keiara and the Rook Prince, Rone Varlamagne. When Rone crashes near enemy lands after he is shot out of the sky, Keiara is the one that stumbles upon him. Instead of leaving him to die, she saves his life. It is one conscious choice but it sets in motion a chain of events bigger than either of them could imagine.Together, the two face foes from every direction and they will stop at nothing to protect each other.…

The Chained Man

The Chained Man

18 1 1

In The Chained Man, Brody Powell comes face to face with a woman who looks and acts like his wife, but she is saying some very upsetting things. The biggest of which is that she's from the future and came back to do one kill him.…

The Lonely Death + The Tunnel

The Lonely Death + The Tunnel

19 2 2

In The Lonely Death, a man with no memories appears on the road and gets picked up by a kind stranger but this hitchhiking stranger is not what he seems. He's on a job and it quickly becomes apparent what his job is. He's there for the driver that picked him up.In The Tunnel, a woman suddenly finds herself in a long tunnel. She's not sure how she got there and did not know why she was there. The only thing she can do is continue forward, so with nothing else to do but press on, she does. As she walks, she starts to remember what happened to her. She died.…

The Phoenix's Gift

The Phoenix's Gift

14 1 1

The Phoenix's Gift is about a man on the verge of losing something very precious to himself. His daughter. She's sick and there's nothing he can do to help her. The doctor's say her tumor is growing and she won't survive it. But then a woman visits him in his daughter's hospital room and offers him a deal. A deal he can't refuse.She offers to save his daughter's life.But she wants something in return.…

White Rose

White Rose

12 1 1

In White Rose, Cornelius Brown is a severe agoraphobic that can barely leave his apartment. He doesn't like the outside world because out there are the songs. The death songs. Ever since he was a little kid, he's heard them and whenever one plays, the person it emanates from dies just moments later. There's nothing he can do to stop them. There's nothing he can do to prevent the deaths. Then, after being involved with a horrible bus accident where numerous people die, a song plays again but instead of dying, the girl it comes from lives. Now Cornelius wants to know why.…

Watching From Afar

Watching From Afar

9 1 1

In Watching From Afar, Milo murders a group of people after he believes they took his daughter. After his trial, he is found guilty of mass murder and forced into conscription as an Augment in the Board's Collection. The Augments are monsters. They are genetically modified killers that go in and kill their targets. That's it. That's all they are used for. Their minds are wiped clean and all their memories are flushed out. But Milo's latest assignment causes certain glitches. Memories start coming back and with them, the truth.…

Burn Zone

Burn Zone

16 1 1

Burn Zone follows detectives Justice Monroe and Austin Hawke as they try to track down an arsonist that's burning down half their city. This arsonist, however, is not what he seems and the detectives must tap into their extra-normal abilities to find their target before he can hurt anyone else.Detective Justice Monroe's extra-normal ability is seeing ghosts and being able to somewhat communicate with them. Detective Austin Hawke, on the other hand, can strip away a person's falsehoods and lies the instant he makes eye contact with them.…

Blood Ties: The First (A Bane Pack Novel)

Blood Ties: The First (A Bane Pack Novel)

533 12 6

All Kendra wanted was a change.After a bad day at work, she wants this more than anything. She goes to an old friend for comfort and decides it's time for that change to happen. So she gets a tattoo in a last ditch effort to make people see her differently. She never would've bargained for what comes next. She's seeing better than she ever has in her life. She can smell and even tell the difference between scents. She can hear a fly buzzing from fifty feet away. She's faster. Stronger.Oh...and now she's extremely hot.But is the price of these changes too high? And what about the shocking revelation of who-and what-her biological father really is?Sometimes change can be good...and then there's the other times.…

Cat's Paw: A Novella

Cat's Paw: A Novella

11 1 1

A dark/paranormal fantasy, Cat's Paw centers around a 15 year old boy named Tad.In his neighborhood, something has happened.Something tragic.He sees the effects that this horrible event has in his neighborhood but is powerless to stop it. Until a strange cat shows up. The cat follows him around everywhere, refusing to leave him alone. And with its appearance, strange things start happening. Haunting nightmares. Instructions from a dead girl. And the cat that seems to tie them all together.Its up to Tad to figure out what's going on and how to stop it. Because, a secret has been buried and uncovering its truth is the only way to stop what's happening.…

Indestructible: PAST

Indestructible: PAST

79 10 11

Broke, desperate, and on the verge of getting kicked out of school, Alex Porter decides to sign up for a random medical experiment to get enough money to pay his tuition. But he's too scared to go alone so he signs up his best friend, Darius Clark, to do the trial with him.Despite the fact that both are terrified of what they might be walking into, they still go ahead with the test and come out the other side with their money and something else. Something they never would have expected.Shortly after the test, strange things start happening. Both wake up with bodies that have drastically changed. Then a speeding car rams into them and they survive without a scratch. The only evidence of the wreck is their torn and tattered clothes. They are strong. They are fast. And they have amazingly sharp reflexes.For Darius, the powers are a blessing he uses for his own selfish gains.For Alex, however, the cost of the powers becomes increasingly evident.Their sanity.…