Boy's Night Out

Boy's Night Out

302 12 1

Kaito decides to organize a boy's night out in the game room, everyone agrees. During the hangout, things seem to be going well, until Ouma's antics leave Shuichi soaking wet and freezing. Kiibo decides to take matters into his own hands.First thing I've written for this fandom that I've published aaaI haven't written in forever so forgive me if they're incredibly oocPls enjoy this attempt at toothrottingly sweet fluff(just friends or a blooming crush? you decide)((it's complete wattpad is just being a bitch))…

Sleeze with Sirens

Sleeze with Sirens

80 1 1

Crossposted from AO3 - shoutout to my friend for giving me the idea to write this, as well as walking my hand on how petplay and camming actually work jsidspihsAfter Tetsuya Iidabashi was fired from Yankee Candle, in order to pay off his domestic expenses, he began camming. So far, he was doing quite well. Though not popular, he earned enough to make a proper living.One afternoon, Shuichi suggests that he collaborated with a particular person who makes his face flush red every time she speaks. He's unsure if he can actually pull through with it.In the end, he decides to accept. What does he have to lose?…

My dog Cindy

My dog Cindy

13 1 1

You know those days where you pets just act differently?…

Deep Ocean Black

Deep Ocean Black

2,271 60 5

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT SLEEPYKINQ. SLEEPYKINQ, PRINCECHAIN, SPACYGALAXY ARE N O T INVOLVED IN THIS. NONE OF THIS IS CANON. NONE OF THE CHARACTERS ARE MINE. I simply decided to take my own spin on writing fanfiction, a full on story, a 'what-if?' scenario and since none of the re-nightmare characters have actual backstories at the moment (at least when this story was first published) I decided to write my own unofficial one for Mystery!!!! Credit to @LonelyPaperBagTrash for the amazing cover!!! Go check out their stories! <3Also, be aware that there MAY be some triggering things (MOST VERY LIKELY graphic depictions of murder, self harm, possible physical trauma and emotional trauma and other thingies) later on!! I'll be sure to put a TW on the possible triggering chapters!!!! With that aside... Please enjoy this AU!!!!!edit: I lied. There'll be some shippin'!!! But it will be used very sparingly and briefly. As well as some small shifts in the plot~------------Jeremy Burns is an ordinary kitten, however, despite his family's name, his family is much colder than other kids' families. With his parents slowly driving each other up the wall, Jeremy is finding himself spending more time on the streets than his own home. Just when things appeared to get better, a terrible tragedy strikes, leaving his family permanently split apart and implanting permanent traumas within the young boy. Despite his friend's efforts, Jeremy's sense of reality is warped and he is slowly losing himself. While determined to uncover the reason behind his family's killer, the young Jeremy must also keep his own sanity in balance, before a mysterious and ancient curse pushes him deep into the bitter blackness that is rapidly consuming his heart...…

My Warrior (Scourge of Bloodclan x Rouge! Reader)

My Warrior (Scourge of Bloodclan x Rouge! Reader)

7,747 75 5

Jesus fucking Christ 1.74k?! How much of a sinner are you to read this????????…

((NoiCle)) Would You Like to See the Sunrise?

((NoiCle)) Would You Like to See the Sunrise?

35 0 2

(Takes place in Koujaku's route in the first game.))Merely a year after Noiz moved to Midorijima, he is bitten and transformed into a vampire, forcing him to hide from the sun and learn to control his craving for blood. Around three years later, he gets into a fight and nearly dies, but is saved and cared for by Clear, an odd person wearing a lab coat and gas mask who he met at Aoba's apartment.Though annoyed, Noiz lets him stay and the two quickly begin to bond. However, when more reports of attacks begin rising out of the blue, Clear can't help but to begin suspecting Noiz. Noiz on the other hand, is slowly opening up to Clear, and is unknowingly close to revealing his deepest, darkest secrets.…

Magicnight's Star

Magicnight's Star

57 0 13

Well... It's complete sooo... Yea. And just so you know, they have different beliefs. For example:1. They believe in Lionclan. Only medicine cats believe in Starclan.2. Medicine cats can have mates and they normally have four medicine cats.3. Leaders do not go to Moonstone to get their nine lives. They believe that Lionclan protects them throughout their leading time.4. Apprentices, Warriors, Med Cats, Leaders, and Deputies don't do a ritual. 5. They take the body of a dead one out first because of the kits and stuff. :P:3…

Army of Rens

Army of Rens

2 0 1

((Please don't take this seriously-- This was just for shits and giggles. Also, in this story, Aoba doesn't hook up with anyone and Oval Tower hasn't fallen either. They're all frenzoned. Also if you're interested, here's the original post that inspired this: )) One bored Noiz. One computer. One pendrive. One Aoba Seragaki and one Ren. What could go wrong?…

Ruff Rabbit Army

Ruff Rabbit Army

19 1 1

Another DMMD crackfic. Don't take it seriously please.Also Noiz is Rabbitkin in his fic, meaning he believes that he's a rabbit trapped in a human's body and is apparently reincarnated to rule over the bunnies of Midorijima or smth.…