The Taboos That Are Forbidden! And Updates!
Taboos, this is complete.…
Taboos, this is complete.…
So you're getting them…
The Announcements For The Omegas Event will be coming on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays if I am lucky enough to write anything.…
The original The Omegas Event happened during 1997-2007/2007-2022. There was a casefile/ report on The Omegas Event. That was written down in ancient code/ ancient language that is not used anymore because this language has been a dead language for over a thousand of years, and this ancient language has been used in over a thousand years and this ancient language has been a dead language, and also, no one speaks this dead language even. Also, this said dead language is Guardian Tongue, which is a ancient language that is not been spoken for over a thousand millennium years. I would be surprised to hear someone speaking in Guardian Tongue, and it would surprise me to hear that ancient language being spoken in and in these times of the world. There was other things happening during The Omegas Event during that day and time too, and The Omegas Event lasted for a long period of time and space, and with day and night plus time.…
daily announcements will be made every day.…
boys love and girls try an get a peek at shirtless males just to watch them because they are hotties and also they are all mostly gay-straight ones who are in between gay and straight who are transitioning to become fully gay. some say it is a disease or a virus that is spread by a single touch on their chests is how the virus spreads from male to male until every last male student is gay because the school is called THE ALL BOYS BOYS LOVE SCHOOL known as T.A.B.B.L.S. and also, The Eystreem brothers are there too. Jordan Eystreem, Ethan Eystreem, Jonathan Eystreem, and Lenathan Eystreem, and their little brother, Tostada Eystreem. Who is the youngest by the way? Oh, and he's very embarrassable so please don't embarrass him too much or he will cry. And if he asks to sleep with you. Let him sleep with you and because it comforts him to have someone to sleep with him. THE ALL BOYS BOYS LOVE SCHOOL! Also, a very important side note all the characters have a thousand percent nightmares as in they have nightmares every night, which is a perfect meal for a dream-eating demon! And The Academy's name The School Of Eystreem! Or better known as The Eystreem Academy! There will be other supernatural male characters!…
This will be a type of encounter tales where some of my characters will have a ran in with all of the Pokemon Male Trainers: Red, Gold/Ethan, Brendan, Lucas, Hilbert, Nate, Calem, Elio, Chase, Victor, Blue/ Gary Oak, Wally, Barry, Cheren, Hugh, Trevor, Tierno, Hau, Trace, Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, Go, Aaron, Blake, Antonio, Byran, Ryan, Austin, Ben, Dan, Emilio, Emmanuel, Georgio, Hop, Victor, Horatio, Jimmy (Hoenn), Jimmy (Johto), Landis, Joshua (Hoenn), Kellyn (anime), Kenny (Sinnoh), Kevie, Maury, Kyle (Sinnoh), McCauley, Mikey, Mitchell, Potter, Natural Harmonia Gropius, Nathaniel - Nate's younger brother, Samuel, Ralph (Orange Islands), Sean, Sergio, Simeon, Skyler, Virgil, Thatcher, Timmy, Toby, Tony (Unova), Ritchie, And Legendary Jonathan Legend, and he was the same age as the other boys. I do own one character and it is Jonathan Legend, and the others are guests who love on him. And Goh, Gou, and Go are the same individual. In these tales, Goh is jumped by two Zeraoras' and meaning they love on all of the other characters except for Jonathan Legend, Because he is their trainer and has admitted to being their trainer since his dad disappear and they were a hand-me-down anyway and Jonathan is only 9 at the time and about to turn ten tomorrow. Also, Go's Scorbunny is with him through this uncomfortable journey. Also, all of the Gym Leaders and all of the Trial Captains from all of the Pokemon games and Trial Captains are also there in the same world as the Gym Leaders and so is the Elite Four and so is The Elite Four, and so is Jonathan Legend, Gym Leader Of Legend Gym. Also, Raihan from Pokemon Sword and Shield has taken Tostada Legend under his wing and is training him really hard. And there will be Pokemon Rangers like Pokemon Ranger Jack Walker. And there are other Pokemon Rangers and not just Jack Walker. More is in details.…
Follow the adventures, Timmy and Tommy when their family moved into a haunted house an actual really haunted house which is full of ghosts, spirits, and strange things will happen. There will be BL, If you are unfamiliar with the genre, That's okay, but Respect The Author! The Background will be made later! Here are the characters: Jordan Rune, Jonathan Rune, Timmy Rune, Tommy Rune, Ethan Rune, Wallace Rune, Dylan Rune, Anthony Rune, Joshua Rune, Andrew Rune, Jonathan Koifern, Jordan Khan, Jonathan October, Ethan Khan, Director Drew, Mr. Drew, Dylan Clarke, Anthony Clarke, Joshua Blake, and Andrew Blake.…
The Updates for The Murderous Encounter will be placed here!…
These are the announcements of The Legends Of A Camp Called Camp Buddy. They will be coming out daily. This is the original title and the new title: Announcements for The Legends Of A Camp Called Camp Buddy! Announcements for CB!…
The Guardians Of The Magicixizats are these kids who happen to crash on Earth in the year 2007 and they grow up knowing one day everything will change. And they fight monsters, bosses, and other things too. Oh, did I mention that their spaceship accidentally crash lands in front of Bayside High School! And that is where they hide their ship called Omegas Ruby!The Guardians Of The Magicixizats are these kids who happen to crash on Earth in the year 2007 and they grow up knowing one day everything will change. And they fight monsters, bosses, and other things too. Oh, did I mention that their spaceship accidentally crash lands in front of Bayside High School! And that is where they hidden their ship called Omegas Ruby!Unfortunately, this series has been put on hiatus due to me being in school, but I will return to this series soon! Eventually, I will return to this series.This has been entered in Watty2023! Cheers!…
The announcements will be announced whenever I have a new story coming up for The Haunted Basheria' Stories or any of my other haunted series and it deals with Halloween and maybe Christmas might be twisted in because of Halloween me is dating Christmas me!…
These are the lyrics, songs, poems, stories, and tales that been written down in song.…
It's the sequel. To My First. Volume 2 A. = Agents Of Magic.There will be some characters that I don't own who are guests. They can leave as a please but some will stay that's okay with me.…
different Stories I have no use for! And Are extras.…
I don't own any of the Bleach characters they are guests! They can do whatever they want! Except for Captain Ichimaru, you remind me of someone from the Naruto series! You can tell right now that I don't like Captain Ichimaru! No offense, I've never liked him he's kind of creepy. Oh, this is Fan-Fantasy, not fanfiction it is technically but I took Fanfiction to the next level giving it a new name Fan-Fantasy.…
These tales will be about Christmas Mysteries.…
This is a fanfiction anything can go. It is going to be a bunch of crossovers stories and bonus surprise stories. There are going to be a lot of random surprises in store.…