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Sequel to The Journey(A fanfic). (Desolation of Smaug fanfic. Please watch the movie first, for there are many SPOILERS.)Bre and company were saved by the Great Eagles. However, the Wargs are still after them. Their journey is now of pick and choose life-making decisions. However, it's not such a fast fate when it comes to romance. Bre still questions Thorin, as he does she, about Rivendell. A big piece of the puzzle just doesn't make sense yet. How can he fancy her but not trust her? And what of the other three Dwarves that fancy Bre? Bofur understands the whole situation, but do Fili and Kili? With Kili's obvious flirting, he probably doesn't care. Romance aside, one last, fate-deciding question stands: Is there a way for Bre to ever get back home? And if there is, will she take it?…