OutlawQueen: Regina and Robin and Daniel

OutlawQueen: Regina and Robin and Daniel

2,349 51 8

In this story Regina is happy with robin and Emma brings back Daniel and Marian from the past an Regina must decide how she feels about Daniel and Robin she cares about them equally I won't tell you who she chooses for her soulmate forever and Daniel sees the way she looks at him when Daniel gets her pregnant she's scared that Robin wont want this child but, Daniel does die somehow and Marian dies to and I'll add more things to this story also check out my first book I think it was bad it also was good I hope you enjoy my book btw this book will be longer than my other bookโ€ฆ

Regina and Robin OutlawQueen story

Regina and Robin OutlawQueen story

8,884 96 19

In this story Regina keeps a secret that she can't have any biological children with Robin but snow talks to Regina into telling or helping her to tell Robin eventually she does break it and she has a child and Cora and Daniel come back to ruin everything and Regina's child is a girl the name is you'll be surprised and Regina keeps her magic a secret then once her child grows up she does tell her as in her child finds out and if you like this story how I did it plz leave a comment if you want me to do another one thanks!!โ€ฆ