Hidden under the stars

Hidden under the stars

77 13 8

Faith was just a 4 year old child when she was found all alone, cold and crying on the ground in a small park in Tri Cities WA. She had nothing with her except a gold necklace with a silver ruby ring attached to it. She has spent years feeling like a unwanted freak because of her abnormal eyes and because fires randomly star when she is upset or angry. Everyone she has ever known has abused, left her or just plain hated her. She has no idea why the fates hate her but she is sick of living a life of physical and mental abuse, dished out by everyone in her life. She finally escapes that life and finds herself in a new city. However, her powers and senses start going crazy and she finds out that her new city is full of the supernateral people. All these revelations are happening while she is being hunted by her crazy foster family. She is finally at the age where they cant force her to go back, by law, to the abusive family she was living with for the last year, but what she finds in this new town, where she had planned to start over and live a peaceful life, is more surprising, confusing and painful than anything she has ever gone through before. After 18 years of wondering who her parents are and what she is, will she finally get the answers she has been searching for? Or will the dangerous world of werewolves and vampires bury her before she finds out the truth, She is definitely not human and the strange, gorgeous, blue eyed vampire boy she ran into is not only holding the answers to all her questions, but he is also the vampire king. A king trying to find his mate that he has waited hundreds of years for.…