Personal Masseuse | Kenji/Ken Sato x reader |
A star baseball player, Kenji Sato, comes back to Japan, to play baseball and complete the spot for Ultraman. But not without his personal Masseuse, who he seemed to not get enough of being around. To the point where even the press and media can spot it. That Masseuse is you, y/n, reader, however you like to call it, a private masseuse employed by a large corporation. What will you do in Japan, after traveling for so long, is it a good thing or a bad? And when did you become a full time mother to a baby monster?Ken Sato x readerKenji Sato x readerAll rights reserved, and I hope you enjoy.(I'm down bad for him)Number ONE in:ultramanAnd number two in: Kenjisatoxreader AND NUNBER ONE IN SATO???NUMBER ONE IN BASEBALL????THANK YOU GUYS FOR THAT…