My Chocolate Mate (BoyxBoy)

My Chocolate Mate (BoyxBoy)

482,346 8,313 12

*Warning* This a boyxboy and it will have sexual content through out the story. He smiled and brung me to his lap so I was straddling him like a cowboy. He leaned his forehead against mine and I looked in to his warm hazel eyes as he looked in to my deep sea eyes. His eyes held so much emotion it was so surreal. The one thing I spotted was something I thought I might be mistaken. It looked as if his eyes were showing ... love. I closed my eyes and leaned slowly as did he. Both lost in each other's own world, our lips locked in bliss. His lips were like something I never felt. His kisses were so passionate, warm, lustful, and ... loving. The only thoughts that ran through my mind were those magical three letter words that I have never said to anyone other than my mom and Vanessa. ...... I love you. Well this story is about a white boy who is bullied for being gay and not like the other students. His mom gets remarried to a black guy who happens to be a werewolf and is her mate. He invites his Alpha over for dinner and things get crazy. I really can't explain it. But if you read it I know you will like it. The title says it all!…

My Jock Boyfriend (BoyxBoy)

My Jock Boyfriend (BoyxBoy)

363,919 6,714 10

(Title Changed,Previously: I Topped the Jock) Devin is the gay closet nerd who is a disappointment to his father. He tries to please him the best he can but his best still isn't enough. Devin constantly gets bullied by the jocks who includes his brother. A new student Dustin Blake a transfer football student has his own secrets and they make him the mean jock he is. These two guys find love and happiness in each other. But will it stay like that?…