Trains Aren't Fun
Set during Spider-Man:Far From Home (spoilers) after the train scene, Peter doesn't know whether he's dead, dreaming or if this is another illusion but he won't say no to a hug from Tony Stark. One-Shot…
Set during Spider-Man:Far From Home (spoilers) after the train scene, Peter doesn't know whether he's dead, dreaming or if this is another illusion but he won't say no to a hug from Tony Stark. One-Shot…
3 months ago, The Avengers were given instructions by SHIELD to bring Spider-Man in. Ever since that day Spider-Man has vanished from the streets of Queens, nobody knows why, except Peter Parker who knows Spider-Man is gone forever.…
Everything was normal or as normal as possible for Peter Parker until Thor and the Asgardians returned. Will this set a chain reaction? Will the Avengers reassemble? A series of one-shots set after Civil War and Thor Ragnarok. Mostly Peter's POV.…
Peter Parker's excitement upon hearing of the field trip is soon replaced by a feeling of dread when he discovers that the trip is to Stark Industries. Set after Spider-Man Homecoming. Infinity War and Endgame haven't happened.…