welcome to fury asylum the white badge of shame

welcome to fury asylum the white badge of shame

112 3 1

When Janet heart get tired of her sister Joyce behavior. Janet goes to Joyce boss Captain Darian Lambert he agrees with her because he had just got word police brass above him they want Joyce gone. So the two of them hatch a plot to get sent to bell fury asylum Under Dr Regina Bell. she take one look at Joyce file and agrees she needs Regina 's special therapy so they set plot get Joyce to commit herself f to the asylum whare she has her name taken away from her. put into a diaper and locking plastic pants and dreaded pig suit for the rest of her life.…

The extra terrestrial

The extra terrestrial

462 1 4

Brock is from the planet mars when he is watching Tv he see adds about diapers and daycare he askes his roommate Abby about adds? she explains to him that diapers are for babies and senior citizen's as well daycare. She then tells brock if he interested she will send him to her friend Serina . Serina introduces Brock to world of adult babies…

Kidnap to be toddler

Kidnap to be toddler

8,146 17 5

when Mike Taylor is kidnap and drugged. He wakes in only wearing underwear mittens and pacifier gag but this only short term. He meets his kidnapper Laura when he does she Diapers him tell him he is going be a toddler for rest of his life.…

Derek goes to Alternative school

Derek goes to Alternative school

4,686 29 6

when Derek and his single Mother Dana Move to Florida . Dana enrolls Derek alternative school. when Derek gets their to see what his new school like . He is shock to find there is a little homework a lot field trips and weird uniform that consist of diapers and plastic pants and naps the school is more like daycare then a school.…

MS  Sonya grant  Border resort  for rich Teens

MS Sonya grant Border resort for rich Teens

897 0 17

When Venessa Chace the richest woman in the world needs to go Europe for two months she sends Her 13 year old son Marcus to MS SonyaGrant border resort. This border house on steroids it has a lot of fun things for teens to do as long as kids fallows the rules they will have real fun Time .…

the white badge of honor

the white badge of honor

1,044 1 10

when 24 year police officer feels emotion abused by politicians the police brass and the criminal element . she quits her job and and commit herself to the thorn asylum ran under Leana thorn . Leana convinces Kara to stay for one month with the help of Karas friends Quincy Johnson and Josh Voss. when Kara gets she will feel like billion bucks thorough regression therapy . the asylum nose who Kara is the daughter of a billionaire. IT's asylum help Kara become the billionaire she is suppose to be .…

Eastgate resort For Troubled Teens girl's

Eastgate resort For Troubled Teens girl's

2,866 36 18

Richest woman Rebecca chamber In the word daughter gets in trouble with law on mister meaner charge the judge with mom help sends Eliza to Eastgate Resort for troubled girl's Under Ruby court. Ruby gets Eliza Eastgate nicest nanny. When Nanny Kira comes into the picture Eliza will thrive…

Prison daycare bound

Prison daycare bound

20,640 82 9

Mia 21 UK girl collage exchange student finds herself in trouble with law and get sentenced 8 to fifteen years medium security Prison daycare center…

Adult Toddler Asylum

Adult Toddler Asylum

2,441 12 5

21-year-old Alex Cane is Depressed so he checks himself into the adult toddler Asylum. what he finds is a fun adventure and adoption…

Derek gets diapers for Christmas

Derek gets diapers for Christmas

4,060 27 9

When Nova checks her son Derek computer for virus and other bad things. she finds several teens baby sites. She asked him about it He responds he want simple time in life with no worry's she remembers he is struggling in school. so, pulls him out school and sends day care but for Christmas she gets him a whole nursery…

Teen diaper prison

Teen diaper prison

6,832 47 7

when Don Key get in trouble for beating up another kid, he is sentence to 3 years in diaper prison. But when it's reveled that the judge made huge mistake and conviction overturned the prosecutor refuses file charges a second time .…

Aunt Jessie I need your help

Aunt Jessie I need your help

1,905 39 11

when 18-year-old Jason Keen get tired of Mom Lisa and Stepdad Adam Drug use. Lisa and Adam decide to teach Jason a lesion he will never forget. waking in the Hospital with a black eye two broken ribs and Major concussion. Jason decides he is pressing charges against the pair. so, Aunt jessie to see if can move in with her. What transpires next is therapy with Aunt Jessie that includes diapers highchairs cribs and a lot of trips. Mom and stepdad find themself convicted of several crimes and wind up in diaper prison. Lisa is threated multiple times with electric highchair Adam get killed within one hour of arrival…