Play With Fire

Play With Fire

419 7 5

Scott: Who are you?Hestia: Hestia Dunbar-MartinLydia: My cousin.Hestia answered simultaneously with her younger cousin Lydia. Lydia: Wait, you guys stay in that town as it's the only safe place for you.Hestia: My mate is in trouble, and it led me here, well, to Eichen House. Lydia and Scott looked at each other it couldn't be possible, could it.Lydia: Who is your mate?Hestia: My vision just showed me a fly, the Eichen House, and a sheriff and his son. The son was my soulmate. I felt it and saw the glow you see around your soul mate in soulmate dreams."Scott: Would explain his life for red heads and his obsession with you. You two look similar of he saw you in his dreams he could have mistaken Lydia for you. I've been in SC free utter…

Admiring You | Scott McCall

Admiring You | Scott McCall

7,763 169 24

Ambrosia Alexandra Salvatore Mother- Olivia SalvatorePure blood- no Siphon Witch D or A- DeadCause of Death- Killed by her father-in-law MikaelFather- Alexander Petrova SalvatorePure blood- Yes VampireD or A- DeadCause of Death- killed by his father Mikael trying to protect his wife and daughter. -Also took his wife's last name as it helped them hide.He admired the way she held herself, the way she feared nothing, but most importantly that despite everything she would stand by him even when she wanted to run. She was a something that couldn't be killed, so he wouldn't lose her.…

Jay x Oc Descendants

Jay x Oc Descendants

9,663 147 17

Daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine was one of the many students of Auradon prep high school and the royal adviser to Ben and she is Ben's best friend. They had been friends since Birth and couldn't be separated. So Ben saw this as the perfect opportunity. He wanted his best friend to be there through everything. So he named her royal adviser. And when she was crowed Queen he would be royal adviser. It kind of made there two kingdoms as one. Meaning when he made his first proclamation he had to make it with her. She chose one girl and one guy and Ben chose one girl and one guy. She chose Evie Daughter of evil queen and Jay son of Jafar despite what he did they couldn't judge them based on their parents. Plus she reconised him from a dream she had. They were on canoe with a basket and arrived at a small island lanterns lit up the dark place and we had a Picnic. I recognised this place it was my favourite place to go with Ben whenever we were upset. He had long hair and wore lots of leather. "Family day is coming up are you sure you want me to meet your parents?" My family will be surprised but once she gets to know they will love you as much as I do. "You love me?" I look away from him. Yeah can't help it. "I've never been in love or felt love but you caused me to experience both." We lean in and the dream ends there…

Cassiopeia Weasley

Cassiopeia Weasley

9,942 179 12

"Cassiopeia Lynx Weasley. I thought you were dead seeing as you were born premature. But you are a (?????????) and best friend of (?????) . So I won't hurt you just hand me the stone. You know where it is give it now... Did your parents not tell you? You are a recantation. You were dying until Lily Potter died when I killed her. You did a 180 because of her spirit latching on. If I hadn't killed her you would have died. So in a way you owe me for your life." I don't owe you anything and I never will Voldemort.…

Ron's Twin

Ron's Twin

126,365 2,479 20

What if Ron had a twin sister? But alike in some ways but not many. She is sorted into Slytherin not Gryffindor. Her parents we ashamed a Weasley in Slytherin! The only people who she thinks still care for her are her brother's Fred, George, Bill and Charlie. Her parents don't look her in the eyes and barley acknowledge her existence. But it's mainly her mother.Find out what happens when she runs away to live with her best friend who none of her family are fond of. She is the only Weasley that Lucius Malfoy can stand and Other pure bloods can stand. When she leaves will her family realize their mistake? Will they save her from turning dark? Or will she share the same Mark as Draco? Is it to late to say sorry?…

Mal's sister X Harry

Mal's sister X Harry

110,306 1,214 30

Mal has a twin sister who feels betrayed when her sister leaves her.…

James Potter's Sister Through the ages
Dark Love a Draco Malfoy Love story. Year one

Dark Love a Draco Malfoy Love story. Year one

849 5 19

Cover photo is from an app called girly wallpapers I searched Harry Potter and these piped up.…

Endearment| Draco Malfoy Love story

Endearment| Draco Malfoy Love story

7,769 194 13

Meet Rosabella Anna Weasley. Twin sister to Ginny Weasley.Draco Lucius Malfoy only child of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy.The families hate each other with a passion. But Draco sparks interest in Rosabella and she sparks interest in him.No, I can not fall for him. Especially since all the hate."Fall for who?" I jump and glare at Draco. He wore his usual smirk that I loved yet hated.None of your business."See it is if it involves me."Well, luckily it doesn't involve you Draco."You're lying and you know it I'm the only person your whole family hates."He wasn't wrong but I would not admit it that easily.My parents don't like many people we just keep it a secret. He put his fingers under my chin tilting my head up so we had eye contact. The cold gray eyes I loved and loathed at the same time. The same ones I have been resisting for five long years. The one that I see straight through that show all his pain. The same ones that helped me to control my powers. That comforted me when I found out my parents had been keeping a secret from me. The ones I had fallen for."We both know that's not true."He placed his lips on mine and for the first time in 5 years, I stopped resisting him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him and lobe every second of it."Roseabella..." We jump apart and there stands Ginny my twin sister."I knew it the moment I found you defending him from Ron and Harry. When you wrote him over break but you said nothing was going on!"Draco please leave I'll see you in the common room. He walks by a glaring Ginny.Ginny at the time there wasn't and we had never even kissed till right now!"How long?" Ginny I told you we just kissed."How long have you had a crush on him?" When we started Hogwarts."5 years and you didn't tell me! 5 years! Why?!"Because I was scared I was scared you would hate me like you already do! Because you would push me away more than you already have.…

Jack Avery x Reader (book 1)

Jack Avery x Reader (book 1)

1,477 7 11

I suck at DescriptionsBook oneLook for sequel.…

Bellatrix daughter.

Bellatrix daughter.

6,643 49 6

Bellatrix had a heart deep down hidden which is why she told no one when she was pregnant. She used glamor charms to hide. Not because she was afraid her husband would not want it. But because it was not his child. She would be killed if they knew. It was a moment of weakness on both parties. Her and a Blood-traitor not just any a Half-breed at that.With a twist Lily is not in this book and you'll understand when I finish this book because then I'm going to be putting up the prequel. Obviously most of the time the Prequel comes after the first book or movie.…

Harry Potter x Oc

Harry Potter x Oc

9,858 184 45

Meet Rana Aurora Black she goes by Aurora Black call her by her first name and you better run. Daughter of Sirius Black and Lucinda Talkalot. Inherited the black inheritance. Inherited her Uncle Regulus stuff. Go through her years of Hogwarts where there is love friendship and more. PS. I post the books in groups. So I wrote all of book one the posted it. So there will be probably a week or two between posting because I'll post the book all at once. It all depends on how long I make the chapters and what I add into the chapters. All characters except mine that I made up belong to J.K Rowling's and all plots and words except the parts I made up and added myself.…

Bellatrix's Daughter

Bellatrix's Daughter

1,859 33 16

What if Bellatrix wasn't evil but under the impero curse. In this story you will follow a group of girls through Hogwarts. Unique and the hat cant place them they are put into a separate category. Being that 7 we're placed there they make their own house and house team. Follow Alexandra as she falls in love with the boy who lived. Although it follows all of them it will mainly be from Alexandra's POV._________________________________________Alexandra Bellatrix Black-Lupin and Lyra Lily Black-Lupin: (Pure-Bloods)(Lyra inherited her fathers werwolf.) (Alexandra was given her mother's Enchantress powers. Also inherited Black family glare and Metamorphmagus power.)mother Bellatrix Lestrange/Black(dead former death eater)(Pure-Blood, Slytherin.)(turned blood-traitor.) father Remus Lupin. (Alive, Werwolf , head of Slythindor house. Helps in DADA) (Pure-Blood. Gryffindor)(Blood-traitor)_________________________________________Zandra Lily Snape and Savenia Rose Snape: (Half-Bloods.)Father Serveus Snape(alive teaches at Hogwarts.)(Half-Blood, Slytherin)Mother Alexia Black(dead)(Pure-blood, Slytherin)_________________________________________Venus Marlene Black (pure-blood)Father Sirius Black(alive, in Azkaban)(pure-blood, Gryffindor)(blood-traitor.)Mother Marlene McKinnon(dead)(pure-blood, Gryffindor)(blood-traitor.)_________________________________________Hermonie Granger:(muggle-born.)Father Mr. Granger(muggle)Mother Jean Granger(muggle)_________________________________________Celeste Emma BlackFather Regulus Black (dead)(pure-blood Slytherin.)Mother Emma Vanity(dead)(pure-blood, Slytherin.)_________________________________________These are the people places in Slythindor. A house that is made. Because 7 people are placed there it is believed that the house will only grow bigger throughout the years.Don't worry everything that happens in the books or movies will happen.Hope u enjoy.…

Freya the good queen's daughter (no longer active)

Freya the good queen's daughter (no longer active)

1,653 17 6

Never done a story like this so bare with the cringe.…