Half of your world

Half of your world

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"Who the fuck are you?""You don't remember?" "No..who are you. Wait who am I and what am I doing here? How did I get here?""Come down baby""You didn't answer my question, who are you?""I uh.. I am your fiance"โ€ฆ

The light in his dark world.

The light in his dark world.

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"You know what...am breaking up with you""Ok""I said am breaking up with you""And I said ok""Shouldn't you be begging me to stay""Maybe in our previous lives, now now I was having my beauty sleep before you came here ranting so could you please..you know step out""I...""I know what to do loose your number, never to call you you again"โ€ฆ



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"Mate, that's what you have been using to keep me here,...""I know you can feel it, the tingles, the delicious scent, the temptation to kiss me..you feel it all..just give in to it baby"I could feel everything he said, but I couldn't be selfish, I had to think about all the other people, their safety."You can try all you want but the mate bond will not allow you leave me""It will and it must.. because Zyaire, I don't belong here, I am not made for pack life, I am a curse to anyone close to me, my being close to you will only put you in danger and I wouldn't want that ""I don't care..you are mine and there's no way am letting you go anywhere, even if I'll have time you down on my bed, as long as it will keep you by my side then am ready to do it"โ€ฆ



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Every girl is a doll, either barbie or Annabelle. ~unknown~***And Aikah, she is definitely a girl, and she is definitely both dolls."You should atleast find a place in your heart to forgive he and your brothers, they were tricked" "Exactly, they were stupid enough to fall into her trap, and that's why am going to educate them so that next time, they will not allow anyone to play with their stupid brains" Aikah grinned."And how exactly are you going back to them" he asked curious to know what exactly this girl was thinking."Just like her, in the most vulnerable way, by the time am done with her, no one will believe her just as no one believed me"โ€ฆ