Stranger Fantasies

Stranger Fantasies

242,571 6,859 45

Naruto Uzumaki... totally a guy right?Wrong!This dude is actually a chick in disguise, by the order of the Hokage of course. Nothing much has changed about her-- master of pranking people, smart as hell, talented, and a short fiery temper exactly like her mothers. Nothing will get in this girls way, especially when it comes to her plan on revealing to the people about her true age.1. Play the dumb boy2. Let NO ONE find out your true gender3. Become a ninja4. Be who YOU are, not what everyone tells you what you are Everything about this plan was going great. That is until a certain bastard Uchiha see's her without a henge. What a great problem to add on to her list!-Yes this is a cliche but hey I wrote this because I wasn't a fan of the other cliche gender-bends out there so maybe you'll like this one-…

The Black Rose Assassin 2012-2016 (REWRITTEN)

The Black Rose Assassin 2012-2016 (REWRITTEN)

46,962 1,929 37

Hello~~ This story is currently being rewritten! While it is finished it is also incredibly old and full of plot holes. I tried rewriting each chapter but there was so much to add and fix I have decided to rewrite it completely instead. The new book is called The Black Rose Assassin Reborn. Go check it out if you like! Renee is definitely not your typical city girl. In fact she is a deadly assassin, brought into the life by her adoptive father, a kingpin drug lord who sells assassin services. When you are tortured and lose everyone you ever cared for, it tends to make you go a little bit crazy. The only thing that keeps her sanity levels up is the amazing world of anime she fell in love with, her favorite being Naruto. On a mission, Renee is taken out and transported to a strange world. Surprise! She finds familiar characters and finds that she has been taken to the Naruto world. Deciding to have fun and enjoy her time, she lives in the world becoming a ninja. However as time passes, secrets arise about Kira's true heritage and the depths to which he fucked up mind goes. Battling people and her own demons has proven to be rough. She tries to level out only to end up falling in love with her best friend. Life couldn't get anymore difficult.…

Frozen Heart 2016 (ON HOLD)

Frozen Heart 2016 (ON HOLD)

21,339 915 16

Ever since I was a little girl it has just been my Mama and I, living in the small poor Village of the Waves. I had asked Mama many times about my father and whether he truly loved me or not. She always replied sweetly and in a nice tone. "Yes dear, Papa loves you." "Yes, He loves you. It's Mama's fault he isn't around." "You're too young to understand Kanna, I promise I'll tell you when you older." I hated it... When was I ever going to be old enough. Soon, I stopped asking. Then the bullying began and I was cast aside amongst the younger villagers, tormented for having no father and for having my unusual hair color of half black and half silver hair. I never went down without a fight and never got close in fear of being left behind and judged again. I built a wall around my heart so no one could ever touch it. Even as I grew older and learned more of my Mama and Papa's past, I never opened up. Then I met my new family and I let my wall's crumble down; only to be crushed again by the cruelty of life. So I froze my heart, eradicated any chance of making new bonds and kept what was left of my family safe. And I swore to never let my heart ever melt.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No pictures of what Kanna look's like are mine, the characters actual name is Norah=Bright if any of you are curious. All credit goes to Kaida Michi so show them your love if you really like her character design. As well as the anime Naruto is obviously not mine, all character's are Masashi Kishimoto's. All that belongs to me is Kanna herself as well as her clan, mother, kekkei genkai (excluding sharingan) and any other OC's I make up.…

When it Rains Red 2018-2019 (REWRITING)

When it Rains Red 2018-2019 (REWRITING)

12,936 572 15

- This isn't as bad as when I was 12 yr old writer but 15-16 yr old me wasn't perfect yet. There are some things that I am unhappy with but it won't be rewritten as a separate book. I'm still currently editing chapter so its expected that unedited chapters will be confusing -Hitomi is the daughter Deidara, born and raised in the Akatsuki. One day, the Akatsuki base is attacked and Hitomi was found in her secret hiding spot, mistaken as a hostage of the Akatsuki. To get past the head of the Terror and Interrogation Division, Ibiki Morino, she has to pull up her darker side of her personality that no one has ever really seen. Not even her family. Learning new things about herself, Hitomi ends up becoming Ibiki's student and living with him. With a goal in mind, she plans to get back to her family. As she stays in Konoha, her resolve slowly changes. Especially after, they find out her secret as the daughter of Deidara. Believing her family to actually be dead she chose to stay in Konoha with Ibiki and try to become the head of Torture and Interrogation after Ibiki retires. Yet suddenly the Akatsuki is on the move again later and isn't dead. How will Hitomi choose between her family who she once thought was dead and is constantly in hiding or the family she begins to love in Konoha, where she is free? Can she even choose at all?…

The Copy-Cat's Daughter 2015 (REWRITTEN AS FROZEN HEART)

The Copy-Cat's Daughter 2015 (REWRITTEN AS FROZEN HEART)

29,799 930 11

BEFORE YOU READ! I AM REWRITING THIS AS "FROZEN HEART". YOU CAN STILL READ THIS AS IT IS A BIT DIFFERENT FROM THE REWRITE BUT I WILL NOT UPDATE THIS STORY ANYMORE. Kanna Hatake grew up cold and distant from others as she was bullied by the other children for her unusual hair color. Her only joy into the world was her mother, till one day a couple of rouge ninja broke into her house and murdered her mother for revenge from her past life as a ninja and her status as an assistant bridge builder for the Land of the Waves. Kanna is devastated and almost completely shuts her self away, always accidentally saying things she doesn't mean. She always puts out a cold front and barely opens up to certain people she doesn't know. Kanna then has to move to Konoha to live with her dad, the Copycat Nin Kakashi Hatake. She decides to become a ninja and use what her mother taught her to pass, becoming apart of the infamous Team 7. Can they change her cold demeanor, and help heal her wounds? What if it was possible she found love? Read to find out.…

The Tailed Beast Daughter 2016-2017 (REWRITING)

The Tailed Beast Daughter 2016-2017 (REWRITING)

18,598 668 10

- This is another book that is salvageable as it is in my opinion so I'm rewriting the concept into another book like a couple of my other books. So this won't be updated again- Kurami is the ten tails daughter, being somehow half human she is raised alone the leaf village. Always treated like crap for unknown reasons, and always alone. Till she meets naruto... And they become best friends. What happens when she finds out shes the kyubbi's daughter? And then she finds out he's sealed in side her best friend? Will she decide to go against the leaf village? Or will she fall in love with her dad's jinchuriki?…

The Black Fox Princess 2016-2017 (REWRITING)

The Black Fox Princess 2016-2017 (REWRITING)

10,472 462 18

-Schedule to be rewritten- Three years have passed, and now it's time to go home. Kira has become more of a bonafide badass, and she's ready to kick ass. Also, maybe a bit of love's in the making the one thing Kira is not good at. Are you ready for this Kuro-Bara assassin's new adventure.Book 2 of the Kuro-Bara Assassin Seires…

Fox's Love 2017-2019 (REWRITING)

Fox's Love 2017-2019 (REWRITING)

2,207 121 15

-This a book being rewritten into a separate book with a completely different name, I was young when I wrote this and now that I am 18 looking back on this makes me cringe cause I hate it. Its easier to just make a new book-What if you were different from everyone else and you had no where to go for most of your childhood? What if you had built up a wall, and in about 30 minutes it was broken down by a nice blonde who smelled of citrus oranges? What if he took you in and in a few years, you had a new family to love and you were gonna get a new baby brother? ..... Then it all went down hill and your life turned upside down in a few seconds. Next thing you know it has been twelve years and your still the same age, your family is gone and brother grew up alone. Then you meet someone, cold as ice but when around you he's opened up a little and you find yourself spilling out dangerous secrets. This is the life of Shiroi Namikaze-Akuma…