The Celebrity Slaughter (TEGSA)

The Celebrity Slaughter (TEGSA)

70 3 2

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." -Victor Hugo (Les Misérables).-Movie queen, Donnie Ramos, is the next on the hit list. After a series of gruesome murders rock the entertainment industry, the only hint prior to the crime being the cryptic messages left behind by the perpetrator, Donnie finds herself the next unlucky target when one such message is left for her.Unwilling to face the same fate as her deceased co-starlets, she bands together with the only investigation team she trusts with such a matter just so she could put a stop to the madness once and for all.However, her dogged stalker is at most a dispensable chess piece in a big game and amidst renewing bonds, unraveling lies and deceptive secrets, she soon comes to learn that she wasn't the Mastermind's main target after all.And that the real target is far closer to home than she could have imagined.-This story is a musical prompt based contest written for the TEGSA awards hosted by @AprilJester…

Beyond Bloodline - Unbreakable Bonds

Beyond Bloodline - Unbreakable Bonds

4,100 124 12

Cover commissioned by the incredible @latoniamiller-"What route do you take when bloodline runs out?"-Nigel just wants to be noticed. Not by his crush, his friends or even his auxiliary parents. All he wants is the attention of his biological ones.Just that it is their very attention that seems bent on eluding him. He lives up to their expectations, does everything they want, flies at the top of his grade. Still nothing.His twin seems to have no problem earning their love and affection. That's just what he wants and he doesn't really see why he should be earning it. It's his right and parental love is just what he should have. Unreservedly.Or is it?Torn between wondering what exactly the problem is with him or what he could do to make things better, he tries to finish his school year in the midst of neglect, figure out his enigmatic girlfriend and find himself- plus all that comes with it.…

Just The Darkness

Just The Darkness

423 1 1

"We used to be so happy together. Now, it's just lonely.""Love has made me the kind of person I hate the most."-It happened to everyone but Attie Hernandéz didn't realize she was hardly as special as she'd thought until it did to her as well. The illusion of young, innocent love followed by subsequent heartbreak.Just that it wasn't merely heartbreak. Something as fleeting as just the shattering of some petty feelings wouldn't have been enough to deeply ferment the hate that had snowballed over every subsequent betrayal until it became what defined her.She wanted her revenge for what he'd turned her happy family into.She wanted to destroy Rachis Alvera.As did he. The protagonist of her every lovely teenage fantasy had come to hate her with as much intensity as she did he, if not even more. Just causing a large divide in her family wasn't enough to wash off the bellyful of hatred that had festered in him. He wanted to destroy the whole Hernandéz line.Both their inverse scales are their priceless families and both would stop at nothing to destroy the other until only one side remained standing. Only, to what end?When misunderstanding begets more misunderstandings and revenge breeds even further revenge, where does their past come to play? And what finally becomes the resolve?…