Anywhere Our Paws Take Us (Warriors/FNAF) (Book 1)

Anywhere Our Paws Take Us (Warriors/FNAF) (Book 1)

1,351 56 26

The Fazgang have become cats after a dimensional swap that was very vague as in how it happened. New dangers face them, and they are troubled. But a cat watches over them. A cat with flaming fur and emerald-green eyes...Amberpaw is torn between being a medicine cat or a warrior. After helping Jayfeather with herb hunting and sorting the herbs out, she realizes she does have medicine cat talent. But now begs the question: will she become a warrior like she's training to be? Or will she throw away all her warrior training and become a Medicine cat instead? She's lost, and doesn't know what her true destiny is, but maybe those cats near Thunderclan territory will help her...Russetpaw hears a conversation between Jayfeather and Lionblaze. Jayfeather had a dream from Starclan, and also, Jayfeather mentions Amberpaw, which Russetpaw now knows he has to find out what the conversation is.(FNAF/Warriors crossover) (This is the first fanfiction I've done where Firestar is dead in this, and that's for the plot, mind you, so yeah.) (Definite spoilers for Warrior Cats! If you don't want to be spoiled, you don't have to read.) (Some art may not be mine. I don't own Warriors either, or FNAF, I only own the story, and the OCs.) (Cover picture by @Honeyfern0308 . Thanks a ton!)…

Warriors: Light on the Water (Series 1 Book 1)

Warriors: Light on the Water (Series 1 Book 1)

148 0 16

Berrykit, an adventurous kitten, with three brothers and three sisters, members of Hazelclan. Berrykit didn't think anything would go wrong, until his parents are killed in a brutal murder scheme. He has to hold on tight to the only family he has left- his siblings. However, he has little knowledge one of his siblings is trying to keep a tight hold on him as well.Riverkit, a she-kit that just wants to venture out to the beach near their territory. But after a terrible tragedy, the leader of Rippleclan, Oceanstar, has ordered no one leave the territory for no reason whatsoever. Riverkit is devastated, but she knows she has to follow her leader's orders. But no matter how hard she tries, she just wants to see the waves as they crash against the beach once again. But when she runs into a rogue, will she and the tom try to solve their problems together? Featherkit, a member of Dustclan. After thier leader is found dead suddenly, washed up on the river, the Clan grows frantic. Who killed their leader, and why? As Featherkit is thrown into the murder mystery, she tries to figure out what is really happening, and how she can manage to stop it.Three cats are driven together by terrible events that just keep getting worse and worse. And when the Storm finally does close in, will they be strong enough to defeat it?Four will join up and defeat the Storm in their darkest hours.(Cover made by @Starbucks-4ever)…

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Keepers of Time

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Keepers of Time

6,390 148 20

Rose is a Riolu with a troubling past that she can't remember, other than the fact that she was a human! She meets a Shinx named Jet, and they become an exploration team named Team SteelSpark. A Treeko, named Vine, joins soon after.Little did the Team know, Rose was on a mission of her own. She vaguely remembers she had a partner with her. And she's determined to find him again. But she doubts she will.Until... A Time Gear gets stolen. Then another. Then another. It is after the fourth Time Gear is stolen that the Team goes out to find The Thief. But when Rose comes face-to-face with him, suddenly she realizes something startling, that every time she sees The Thief, something goes off in her mind. Like, her memory.Then, suddenly, something terrible happens, and a Pokemon that was once a friend ends up being the real villain. Before long, Rose realizes the partner she was searching for... ended up being someone she'd had never thought was.Cover art and chapter art isn't mine! They belong to their rightful owners!Spoilers for the PMD: EOS game!…

The Fallen Kingdom (1): An Oncoming Storm

The Fallen Kingdom (1): An Oncoming Storm

102 2 9

There are four kingdoms in this land... TealLeaf, the small kingdom beside the sea, Scarlet, bloodthirsty and violent, Lapis, a kingdom of mercenaries, and GoldenSilk, who rise above the others. GoldenSilk has the most resources in their land, and most likely the most money. But who rules GoldenSilk is a queen who cares for her kingdom more than anything, even though she's only sixteen. But some people want GoldenSilk's land and resources more than others. It seems a war between Scarlet and GoldenSilk is growing close, and everyone will have to pick sides. Soon, some even don't know who to trust... In a land of growing tension, loyal servants, battle-ready knights, and cunning thieves, there are those who will learn that nothing is as it seems, and all things may eventually come to an end.…

(Warriors/FNAF) Among the Shadows (Book 2)

(Warriors/FNAF) Among the Shadows (Book 2)

74 9 4

(Cover art by @Honeyfern0308)As the cats of the Clans are facing new dangers, four new cats arrive in the forest by the same thing the Fazcats came: a dimension swap. It seems these cats are also from the same dimension as the Fazcats. Morningfeather, the leader of these cats, has to face all the dangers of feral cat life. Will they make it out alive? Meanwhile they start to have strange shared dreams...The Fazcats are troubled when they have a shared dream. This hasn't happened before. Can they figure out what this dream means?Ambersong is now the medicine cat apprentice of Thunderclan. She now thinks the group of rogues aren't what they seem, as stated in the prophecy. She soon finds the four cats she thinks are depicted in the same prophecy. What is really up with these groups of rogues? Will Ambersong ever find out?Russetflame is now a warrior. He is ready to take on anything. But is he ready to take on the coming danger he keeps on dreaming about?New friends, old friends, but could that be the same for enemies? The terrifying prophecy still holds strong around the lake, and the cats have yet to find out what's really in it for them...(I do not own Warriors, or FNAF. All I own is my OCs, and the story.) (Cover picture is of Morningfeather.) (Still holding polls, make sure to take part in them ;-3)…

FNAF: Truth or Dare!

FNAF: Truth or Dare!

57 2 4

Okie guys. I had to do this. Technically it's not really "that" much of the theme were looking for, but I thought it would be fun so hey, let's do it! Remember to leave dares and truths!…

Waycreek High: You're Not Alone (1)

Waycreek High: You're Not Alone (1)

61 0 7

It's Mangle's first day of highschool, and she's worried. Back in Stormwind Middle school, she was always bullied. Bullied for her glitchy eye, (which made no sense, a couple other boys had eyes like hers too, *cough cough*Marion*cough cough*) bullied for her strange behavior... And she was lonely. She had only one other friend in middle school, River. And, of course, her Senpai, Foxy. The only reason she was lonely, was because she was the only Yandere in her school. But now, in highschool, she gains a rival, and of course, fears she's the only Yandere. But when she crosses paths with a mysterious girl that seems to know about her secret, Mangle wonders if her beliefs are true.River is a Yandere... A depressed one at that. Only because... She sees her friends all feeling love... But, yet... She can't feel love. Instead, that feeing is replaced by depression, sadness. She's always looking, looking for a Senpai, but she never seems to find one. But one day, in highschool, when she's with Mangle, getting ready to go home for the afternoon, everything changes.Friends, foes, and crazy paranormal and superhuman students all come together in one big highschool, as everyone from Stormwind realize some things in this highschool aren't what they seem, at all.(The first book in the Waycreek High series! ^.^)…

The Fire Within- Riding the Sky (Book 1)

The Fire Within- Riding the Sky (Book 1)

224 19 3

My new book series I made all on my own, inspired by @BadgerStrike and others! Here we go!The world of Vannoh has always been inhabited by wild animals with powers no one could have seen. But there have been prophecies stating a certain critter with the power of time itself. It would group up with friends, and go on a journey that would change the world of Vannoh forever.Dash has always known the world of Vannoh as a peaceful haven, friendly to all. But as an unknown darkness spreads nearer, the young fox has to put all her strength to the test, as friendships are put to the test.Little does she know, she has powers greater than anyone else, and someone close has a dark secret Dash wished she didn't unveil...(Cover picture isn't mine, and belongs to their rightful owner.) (I own this series, but I give credit to @BadgerStrike, and some others for inspiring me to write it!)…