Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)

209,187 7,489 59

For @Bi-myselfhoe. I love the SCP's too🙂.This is an Able x MALE reader.Don't like it? Don't read it🙂Your a new elite field agent/Scientist that has just recently been chosen by the foundation to be in charge of overlooking one of the most dangerous Scp's.You always imagined it'd be a possibility you'd die but THIS?This is something even you never thought would happen.…

Bright light's

Bright light's

29,886 487 9

You and Raihan have been together for a long time. a collection of Long and short stories. Decided to write cause I need some Raihan love T_T…

SCP x Reader Oneshots!

SCP x Reader Oneshots!

3,149 66 3

Requests open! ask for stories about your favorite scps!…

Daughter of Set

Daughter of Set

41,022 1,417 15

The daughter of Set, also known as Seth and Suetekh. (Warning!- this is not meant to be historically accurate!! Based very and I mean VERY loosely around a mix of Egyptian lore and ENNEAD by Manhwa.Anuwe knew nothing of who she was. All she remembers is waking up under the night sky in the middle of a barren desert- Greeted by a strange man who call's himself Osiris- who also claims to be her father.There's also going to be some shipping👌…

My new OTP's based off of follower's

My new OTP's based off of follower's

319 17 13

Description's of each character will be put with the photo's and the character's along with tags of who inspired them.…

To Close for Comfort.

To Close for Comfort.

219,385 9,372 49

Lieutenant Gavin Reed is kind of an asshole, but you have to wonder what made him that way. Inspiration given from 0Lost_Days0Rated M for smut in later chapters.Rk900 x Gavin reed, in this fanfiction Rk900 is also called Colin.Hurt/Comfort, Romance.…

To trust an Incubus

To trust an Incubus

369 7 3

One-shot's and short stories. I will try to represent every pairing possible in the game.Requests are encouraged 🙂 I'm writing this because I only discovered the game recently and can't find any fanfiction on it.…

Overwatch one-shots

Overwatch one-shots

42 4 2

Requests now open- Lately I've noticed a Decline in Overwatch fanfiction and have been struggling to find variety so I've decided to write some myself. please send me any requests you have :)…

Cold-Blooded (Sikorsky x Reader)

Cold-Blooded (Sikorsky x Reader)

68,845 1,866 31

Alrighty so I've been very into the new Baki series but I've been disappointed to find there's not a lot of fanfic for my favorite russian fighter😏(Your a waitress at a not-so much a restaurant but- yes a gentleman's club in tokyo. Its not exactly the most glamorous job but hey the tips are good! However one fated encounter with a certain russian man seems to change that...)…

I Need You

I Need You

70,248 2,409 42

Ta-dah! The sequel for To close for Comfort.There's gonna be alot of angst. Trigger warning! Sensitive content.Reed900 with some Connor x Hank/ Simon x Markus.Rated higher due to smut in later chapters.…

I'm Not Lost

I'm Not Lost

1,990 89 13

Reed900 and Orion x Alex short story- Gavin struggles to overcome his most horrible memories- instead burying them deep inside in a way that made him the man he is today. Colin wants nothing more then for Gavin to be happy but in order for that Gavin needs to learn one thing- how to let things go.Also Orion's journey into deviancy.3rd book in the series To Close For Comfort.…

All Begin somewhere

All Begin somewhere

468 34 18

Feeling Scorned by his father Ethan begin's to change, driven insane by feelings of neglect his plans soon turn devious and slowly he becomes one of the most notorious villain's in the city known as the Siren- Arch-nemesis to the hero Light- also known as Lionel Kirk.They say you can't save everyone....or are they wrong?…

The Last Atlantean

The Last Atlantean

93,722 2,745 61

Alrighty for all you older pokemon fans (Or anyone who's seen pokemon temple of the sea) This includes aspects from different regions though most should be taking place in Galar. You're one of the last remaining Atlantean's after the small hidden island that the few hundred of Atlanteans called home is decimated, with you as the lone survivor and last of your kind you and Lugia must run from the threat that planned to eradicate your race. You meet a certain champion along the way.Leon is the main focus, however their is hinting of other ships.…

What Is Given (Skyrim Oneshots+ Ancano Main)

What Is Given (Skyrim Oneshots+ Ancano Main)

581 20 4

Skyrim fanfiction/Romance.He was cruel, mean, narrow-minded and most importantly he was a member of the thalmor. I wasn't supposed to feel this way.Ancano x Player/OCMultiple other's pairings and oneshots as well.…

Detroit Gay oneshots (Requests open!)

Detroit Gay oneshots (Requests open!)

110,283 2,983 29

Detroit become human Pairing's and Stories requested. (Requests open!!!)…

Sleepless (Guile X Reader) Streetfighter

Sleepless (Guile X Reader) Streetfighter

4,313 112 15

Several streefighter 5 ships though mostly focused on guile.(Hello! Bit of background here. In this story you are the daughter of M.Bison and escaped from the hands of your psychotic father who planned to use your for your Chao's energy-*passed on genetically through him* and along with his master he also murdered your mother, in his attempt to grab full control of the chao's energy. You are found by Charlie Nash, Chun-li and Guile. You see in this story multiple love interests may turn up, although I've had a friend specifically ask for a fanfiction with Guile x Reader. But anyways hope ya'll are ready this fanfic is gonna have a higher rating.😉)…

Art book

Art book

375 9 3

All the art I create and do. i may not own the characters but I do own the art found in this book so please ask permission to use.…

Evening The Odds

Evening The Odds

470 23 12

Aron Hastiv was a Medic and is now a Detective who specializes in forensics for the Manhattan police department. Aron has always been a quiet and shy type of guy and at the age of 21 has become one of the youngest Detectives there.Not all are so welcoming However, a certain detective named Damien knowles is a know-it-all, narcissistic jerk that claim's to be better than everyone else. Aron doe's everything to avoid this jerk.Eventually Aron decides to put up an ad for a room-mate after he begins to pay off his student loan's thinking it'd be a good way to save money.Lets just say that this good Idea quickly became Aron's worst nightmare after a familiar asshole responds to the ad.…

Old pain (SCP 073 x Reader)

Old pain (SCP 073 x Reader)

1,380 21 3

Alright You know I couldn't write one about Able without doing Cain~Your a researcher at the foundation- though suddenly your transferred to watch over a different SCP know as 073 'Cain' though sudden and unusual you decide to go along with it only to discover exactly why the foundation decided to assign you to him.....…

Wicca for beginner's

Wicca for beginner's

71 3 2

My own personal spell's, Recipe's and some other's.You'll also find that writing your own spells and adding personal touches helps them work more efficiently.🌙A book of magic, spell's, Ritual's and witchcraft.Wicca is not a dark art.…