Imagine you and Aemond Targaryen

Imagine you and Aemond Targaryen

437 1 9

This is the place if you are looking for fanfictions to read between female reader and Aemond Targaryen. If you are minor, beware! There are +21 stories...…

Imagine you and Osferth

Imagine you and Osferth

303 10 3

This is the place if you are looking for fanfictions to read between female reader and Osferth. If you are minor, beware! There are +21 stories...…

Imagine you and Ewan Mitchell

Imagine you and Ewan Mitchell

299 5 1

Imagining situations between female character and Ewan Mitchell. Might contain stories not appropriated to minors--no -21 here, please.…

Imagine Lord Vader's alternative storylines

Imagine Lord Vader's alternative storylines

1,007 16 11

Yeah, we work with fluffy endings for this dark lord too...…

Imagine Anakin's Alternative Versions...

Imagine Anakin's Alternative Versions...

5,939 62 20

Here you are the character behind the stories of every version possible where Anakin ends up happy...whether as "himself", whether as Vader. Enjoy!…

Imagine Obi-Wan's Alternative Versions

Imagine Obi-Wan's Alternative Versions

78 7 10

Here, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi never has that miserable ending the series gave him...…


Imagine "other" situations

93 11 11

If you are -18, DON'T READ THIS.These are not for minors. These are storylines based on other situations whether between female reader and Anakin, or female reader and Obi-Wan.You have been warned.…


Imagine "Star Wars": special editions (I)

61 0 5

Here you'll find stories in the universe of SW based in famous books, movies, etc...…


Imagine "Star Wars" special editions (II): crossovers

31 0 3

Here you'll see crossovers between characters of another universe interacting with Anakin/Vader, Obi-Wan and others...…


Imagine "Star Wars" special editions (III): songs

43 0 5

Here are stories based on some famous lyrics...…

Imagine keeping up with the Skywalkers

Imagine keeping up with the Skywalkers

137 1 8

Here are possible happy, alternative endings for Anakin, Padmé, Luke and Leia. Sometimes Y/N will take the role of Padmé, other moments will be the case of Leia. But, like I said, fluffy and happy endings always.(Featuring stories with Ahsoka Tano)Link for the cover: [art is not mine]…

Imagine you meet Hayden Christensen

Imagine you meet Hayden Christensen

191 2 4

Imagine's editions about female readers and our one and only Hayden Christensen.…

Imagine you meet Ewan McGregor

Imagine you meet Ewan McGregor

24 0 1

Here it's all about meetings between female reader & Ewan McGregor, our eternal Obi-Wan Kenobi, in real life...…