Mc Diaries (Laurence side  of the stories)

Mc Diaries (Laurence side of the stories)

328 5 12

Laurence the one and only…

Wow you'll never notice

Wow you'll never notice

29 1 1

Just realize it…

The Great Goat 1

The Great Goat 1

436 1 1

It's about 3 goats trying to escape the horrors of the evil Milk-man.Will they escape or will get milked till their last breath.Read to find out what do you want to them.…

Nobody Remembers

Nobody Remembers

36 0 7

A group of friends or foes? Join Inari as her and people she's known for a since forever go into a journey of life or death. While in still in highschool is everyone telling the truth or keeping secrets can she trust them. Watch as new Relationship grow and other break apart like the thin glass that holds everyone together Nothing that goes up stays up everything has to come down eventually…

Someone's life

Someone's life

859 10 6

About someone really close to me and their lifestyle before and present…

What a love means to a most people

What a love means to a most people

33 3 1

maybe next time you'll think twice.....…