Classy but Sassy// l.p • h.s // fanfic

Classy but Sassy// l.p • h.s // fanfic

161 5 12

Working for the #1 Styles Publishing inc. in the world is quite stressing. Due to him continuously bothering me. I mean of course people may think I'm crazy since I'm not running after him myself and that he's running after me. I think it's crazy itself. Yes, he's charming and rich. But that doesn't mean anything. Business comes first. Maybe.…

UNWANTED/Ashley Moore/ James Franco

UNWANTED/Ashley Moore/ James Franco

3,006 3 45

He believes he could start over. He could leave behind his broken childhood. His broken memories, and his broken heart. She believes that he could teach her his ways of not caring while she teach him her ways of caring. She wants to feel WANTED by him instead of everyone else. While he wants to feel UNWANTED by her instead of everyone else.…

Over Again//OneDFan01

Over Again//OneDFan01

49 5 5

Here it goes over again. Back to the lies. Back to the trouble. At least she hopes not. Only to wish that her life can get any easier. After a big split and her as a single mom. It can get pretty stressful. Harry tries to help Hallie handle the rough obstacles that come her way, but wouldn't you think he's only doing it to fit his way back into the picture? I mean that's what he wanted from the start anyways. Right? Liam tries to also cope with the co-parenting thing and being single. As he tries to deal with the kids back and forth and with the split.He seems to like it. Until he sees Harry "helping" Hallie.…



21 1 4

He was born in a family where everyone kills. Everyone is a criminal. He's not a normal teenage boy as everyone believes he is. He's forced to do things he doesn't want to do. Which made him rebellious. Rebellious against his family. Rebellious against love. But not his father-his master. He soon falls in love with a normal teenage girl opposite of him. But is being forced once again to kill her. Along with something that flips his whole life around. Causes such an impact on not only him, but everyone that he's associated with. Lie after lie. Crime after crime. He's broken hoping to be found.…

Bullied By My Boyfriend Best Friend (One Direction Fanfic)

Bullied By My Boyfriend Best Friend (One Direction Fanfic)

38,879 1,207 53

When your a 16 year old and your mother isn't around. You'll expect a little bit more freedom, but not Hallie. She tries to find a better way to make her life more easier. Instead she's weighed down from the thought since she's mentally abused by her alcoholic stepdad and physically abused by her boyfriend best friend Liam Payne. Her boyfriend Harry is to oblivious, he's used to the innocence of his "best friend". Her mom travels around for a business, that leaves her with her stepdad. Who she wishes was replaced by her real dad. Who died. Press "start reading" to know more about Hallie and her so not great of a life.…

Bullied By My Boyfriend Bestfriend 2 (One Direction& Selena Gomez fan fic)

Bullied By My Boyfriend Bestfriend 2 (One Direction& Selena Gomez fan fic)

3,738 220 51

Round 2 I perhaps? Hallie mother and her fiance David comes along and try to lead her life. But do they know Hallie is old enough for her own desicions? Liam and Harry fight over Hallie but try to make things better for little Emma. Harry makes a new friend named Zayn and pays him to be 'friends' with Hallie. But then he starts to have feelings for Hallie that sends Harry over the edge! Niall is back in the picture? But changed a big role in his life? Louis moved on but still trying to make things better for Hallie and Emma. I bet Harry feels like a 3rd wheel when he see's Hallie and Liam together. Their whole life revolves around drama and they can't seem to find their way out of it! Will Harry and Liam ever stop fighting? Will Hallie and Liam ever have a happy life? Who will split up? Who will have a baby next? Want to read a Teen/Fan/Drama/Romance fiction? Then click on 'start reading' and start digging in!…