Five Nights At Oceans (A FNAF fanfic)
Fnaf memes

Fnaf memes

12 0 3


FNAF zodiacs

FNAF zodiacs

231 2 4


The new one

The new one

29 2 4

"Meet the newest member guys!" thats it always started. until now.…

Shining through the Darkness

Shining through the Darkness

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BioDawn Benson as:Storm & SeaSTORM LIGHTINGALE-Female | n/a | Wolf-Girl | Looks black shirt. Black leggings. Black boots. 5'5.black hoodie.a light green eye and a light blue eye. Has a Wolf-girl sister. light pink hair. Wolf ears. Wolf tail. black mask. Black wings.Birth:2013 Age: 13FAMILY:Sea (younger sister)Mortal or Immortal: UnknownHer sister: Sea |Age:12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Markis Campbell as:Lucifer Morning star & AmenadielMale | N/A | Devil God | Looks: Black dress pants. Black suite. With red Accents to his suite. British accent. White/tan. Brown eyes. Light trimmed beard. Black hair. British. Brith: 4.543 billion years BC Age: UnknownMortal or Immortal: ImmortalPart Of: The 7 Princes Of HellPart Of: Lucifer Book 1 & Book 2Part Of: Angels Of The Night #3 & 5Lives in L.A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Riley Pruett As: Skylar Vive & Angelica MintFemale| N\A | human wolf, angel, and devil| looks: one red eye and one blue eye has long blue hair and has wolf ears pail white skin and she loves wearing hoods and she likes being invisible to people|age:16| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…

Angels Of The Night

Angels Of The Night

9 0 3

Productions by SPECIAL Inspired by Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D & The SpecialistsAnd Stars in the making of this bookMark Campbell From The Specialists & The Splitting Point & The Agents Of Ghost And Shadow Dawn Benson From The Specialists & The Agents Of Ghost And Shadow…