Starstruck || BTS NAMJOON FF

Starstruck || BTS NAMJOON FF

1,141 40 2

Everything happens in a blink of an eye. Because of one single mistake I've made, I had become the girlfriend of someone who is loved and well-respected by everyone.He's one of the Big 7 who is now known as the 'Kings' of the school.Cheesy? I know.And with that comes with major consequences I couldn't escape. At first, everyone is against me, and that includes him, my accidental boyfriend. Then the next second, he is completely fell head over heels in love with me. That's when I know my whole life is a joke. No kidding.I'm chained...chained to the rhythm of our game. And everything feels just like a rollercoaster ride.#Short_story…

Cinderella's Man || BTS FF

Cinderella's Man || BTS FF

3,618 172 5

What if Cinderella never left her glass slipper? What if Cinderella actually stayed the night? What if her Prince Charming the one who left her in the first place? Yes, unlike any typical Cinderella story... This is the search of a Cinderella's ManYou:' For this year Annual Appreciation Night, I was given a role as a Cinderella and we are still yet to find the heroic, so please, if you read this, come for the audition, and be my Prince Charming.'But, how would you react when that man, happens to be one of the big 7... Seven most popular guy in your high school.…

Nochu's Bambina || BTS JUNGKOOK FF

Nochu's Bambina || BTS JUNGKOOK FF

885 34 4

It has been said that ' Time heals all wounds. 'I do not agree when I'm still trapped in the memory of my past lover's warm embrace.I used to be happy and smile a lot, until he came along and bring me back alive again.And I pushed him away, I tried. Simply because I couldn't hold the same feelings for two people at the same time.But I believe it's love when my heart swells and my soul sway with the simple sound of his voice saying...JUNGKOOK : " I guess I'll see you around, Bambina. "…

Friendzone || BTS JIN FF

Friendzone || BTS JIN FF

8,886 330 5

How can someone be this aesthetically beautiful inside and out?He is everything that every best friend should have. name it. And maybe because of that, I feel like I have been wasting my time for not looking at him, even if it's for one second or less.It frustrates me somehow, for the fact that I have been with him for almost 8 years, my view of him still the same.But of course! Having him as my best friend is the bomb! He's hilarious, cool, fun to hangout with, no awkwardness...Until someone wants more...and that's me.I always ask myself every time I look at my reflection in his eyes.What if...what if our friendship are meant to be something more?•°•°•°•°•YOU : " ...I'm a perfect candidacy to be your girlfriend! "~JIN : " I'm bringing you back to that motherfucking friendzone you tried to escape from. "…

Paint You Wings II SUGA FF

Paint You Wings II SUGA FF

3,844 172 5

" Why did you leave me? I never ask you to leave? " " Can you even hear me? When I was crying out for you...did you hear me? " YOONGI : " Who are you? Where can I find you? " But it was all just a dream. As I lay awake, the only thing that's on my mind... Is her voice. ~ YOONGI : " You're just like the ocean. " YOU : " Is it because I'm boring and dull? Is that what you're trying to say? " YOONGI : " No, it's because you're revolting, you make me feel nauseated. "…