Have A Little Bit Of His Heart ❤

Have A Little Bit Of His Heart ❤

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Minha Noor Binth Zayed, a teenage girl born and raised as a Muslim in Australia, Brisbane. Minha is neither an outcast nor antisocial. She just doesn't like the notion of having conversations with hyperactive teenagers who only thinks impressing guys and drowning them selves in make up is everything you can do to get through this life. Minha would rather choose to drown herself in a bundle of books rather than make-up. She is a reserved girl with beauty oozing from her but her blank face 24/7 hides her beauty but it can't be hidden, now can she ? A teenage girl being so blank must have a reason. Bismillah( In the name of Allah)Finally I am writing my own story. I had to have all that is in me to get the courage to write this story. I won't ask you all to anticipate much from this but I hope y'all enjoy this story to the fullest.I have been a reader since Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalaa knows best. So I have been having many ideas but never got the courage to write my own story.…