A Mysterious Stranger

A Mysterious Stranger

27 2 1

After an error with the systems in her vault, Adelyn escapes Vault 111. She is exposed to the dangerous, destroyed and open world. There aren't many survivors, and those who have survived often don't have good intentions. She quickly gets captured by raiders. They are about to kill her, when a mysterious stranger appears, saving her life. Just as mysteriously as he appeared, he disappeared before Adelyn could thank him. Now all she wonders is not who she is, but who this man is.I do absolutely not own Fallout 4, or any of the characters mentioned in this story, except for Adelyn.…



1,392 37 3

"You're such an asshole Fredrick!" He loved it when she said his name like that. The way his name rolled off of her tongue, the way her French accent complimented the tones of his name, the french i, the way she swore. Everything about her was gracefull, like a real French mademoiselle. "Colette!" His harsh voice called for her, harsh with that German accent of his that she so adored. She turned towards him, and opened her mouth to say something. Hesitation. Her mouth shut, as she thought for a few seconds, and opened it again. "I'm sorry Fredrick. If only you saw." A silence rested between the two. The silent was so known, homelike, so trusted, but meanwhile so hostile, angry and anxious. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get totally wasted. And if you do mind, I literally do not care. Adieux Monsoir Fredrick!" She cheerfully waved at him, as she elegantly stomped out of the room. Only she could stomp elegantly, and he knew it. God, why did she, a French fucking citizen, working with the fucking Americans, have to fall in love with Fredrick Fucking Zoller.…



2,207 87 12

After Aria's death, Elijah realised how much he had cared for her, and thought about the things he should have done. But it was too late now, they hadn't done those things, and she was gone.He fell into a deep downwards spiral of self blame, self hate, grief, and eventually diagnosed with severe depression.When she returned, everything was the same, except she wasn't a deviant anymore. Most of her memory had been wiped or partially damaged in either uploading to the cloud, or whilst uploading them to her. And he was more distant than ever. All that, just because he didn't want to be hurt again.《Part three of the three part Connecting series》…

Princess Of The Kingdom

Princess Of The Kingdom

3,176 214 20

Hester is de zus van koning Cemal. Tenminste, dat heeft Cemal haar gezegd. Maar wat als dat alles niet waar blijkt te zijn? En een andere koning je broer is?Mensen liegen je hele leven tegen je, en zelfs wanneer alle leugens op tafels liggen, zijn er nogsteeds geheimen. Schandalen waar niemand over mocht weten. Geheimen die naar het graf genomen moesten worden, maar dat niet zijn gedaan.Mensen zijn bereid te vechten. Mensen zijn bereid te sterven. En dat allemaal, door een domme mythe.Want vrede is toch veel fijner?…

Connected. [Elijah Kamski X OC]

Connected. [Elijah Kamski X OC]

5,047 147 12

The Android ran through the building, looking for an exit. She had already called the automatic taxi, and now she just had to leave this horrible building. She soon found an exit, and just when she stepped outside, the taxi arrived."Oh how the odds are playing me again."She stepped into the car, her destination already long determined. Only when she sat down, and started to calm down, she realized the knife was still held in her hands. It was covered in the human blood. A small line of Thirium dripped flowed down from the Android's mouth, but it wasn't bad.She decided it would be best to remove her LED, so she'd blend in with the humans. Carefully she slid the knife through her synthetic skin, moving the tip of the blade up again, making the LED pop out. It landed on the couch of the car, and she picked it up, putting it in her pocket.The Android had a set destination, and she was not going to shut down before reaching it.Set during the events of Detroit Become Human.《Part two of the three part Connecting series.》⚠Contains mentions of abuse, but no excessive description.⚠…



4,387 132 24

"So you're just coming back like nothing fucking happened?""My predecessor was unfortunately destro-""Oh cut the crap Connor.""Excuse me?""Connor? I fucking hate you."-----------Your dad is known as lieutenant Anderson. He works at Detroit Police Department. You're trying to follow in his footsteps, but you start to lose hope with your horrible grades and pressure. You don't fit in and don't have any friends. And then, that one /fucking/ android decided to come along. Connor, your dad's new partner in the deviant cases. Connor, the /fucking/ 'Android sent by Cyberlife'. Connor, the one you rely on.…

Connecting... [Elijah Kamski x OC]

Connecting... [Elijah Kamski x OC]

10,920 325 11

Starting up...Start up complete.Initializing...Initialization complete.Synchronizing...Synchronized.Checking for any damage...Damage detected.Error: Unable to repair damage. Connecting to the cloud...Connected to the cloud.Connecting...Connecting......Connected.........."Hello?"A story about an Android stuck in (almost) literal hell, trying to escape. How lucky she was to connect with him, the one and only Elijah Kamski.The story takes place the autumn/fall before the events in Detroit Become Human.《Part one of the three part Connecting series》⚠Trigger warning: Story contains mentions of abuse⚠…