Web of Wandering Tales | Fantasmical 2024

Web of Wandering Tales | Fantasmical 2024

50 18 5

Opiliodas has spent most of her spiderling-hood cooped up in her mentor's study, devouring spell tomes, weaving her favorite spells into her own, and seeing the world beyond her forest colony through chronicles on silken pages. Now, as a freshly-molted wizard, she must undertake her kind's greatest coming-of-age trial: the Quest for the Calling, which demands young adult Rachmera leave their colony until they find their life's passion. Eager to see the world beyond the pages, Opiliodas gleefully welcomes the challenge-and this book contains but a few of her adventures.*******A collection of prompt-based short stories written for the Fantasmical 2024 contest.Cover made by @tiyashidas123 ~…

On Sapphire Wings and Jade Scales

On Sapphire Wings and Jade Scales

5,389 1,076 40

In the land of Eosia, where humans and mystical creatures co-exist, twins Tomas and Eila Diderot have lived in quiet little Cherub Town their whole lives. On one summer day, they aid a wounded man with strangely colored hair in a nearby forest, and an odd friendship is formed. Their fateful encounter with the enigmatic man will lead the twins on a journey to learn about the world beyond their hometown, meet the creatures that govern it, and encounter malevolent forces that seek to disturb its delicate balance.~~~~~~Current cover made by the amazing @lavendareyes ~~~~~~Proudly featured 7x on official Wattpad profiles and community reading lists!* First draft complete *Word count: || 75,000 ~ 80,000 ||~~~~~~By the way, if you are reading this story on any platform other than W a t t p a d you are likely to be at risk of a malware attack. If you wish to read this story in its original, safe form, please go to Thanks!…