

28,390 804 15

"Give me a month," he smirked, "Be my girlfriend for a month, and if I can make you fall in love with me within this month, then well, yeah - but if I can't, I'll stop bugging you about this." "Be your girlfriend for a month? How?" "Don't tell anybody, including your parents; this will be our secret, or else I'll break my promise and annoy you forever," I thought about it. But how would Dylan react to this? What if he hated me for this? Then I would never get a chance with him! I looked at Edward. He had been a caring and nice friend to me, and he had done so much for me; he certainly deserved this chance. And now I thought about it, it did benefit me - if he failed, which I was quite positive about, he would leave me alone and not to nag me about this. So I reached out my hand, "Deal," He shook my hand, smirking, "Deal."…

The Village Vampire

The Village Vampire

2,215 73 12

I gazed out of the window, listening to the raindrops dancing on the window. The sky was a sheet of dark grey, and it was raining heavily, which happened quite often in our village.Our village was an isolated one, far away from the towns. Life was very boring here; nothing big or dramatic would happen here.However, there was one thing that made the village slightly more interesting. Well, if you were not scared of it, that was. Our village had this suspicion of a vampire haunting us.And recently, there was another interesting thing happening. There was a new family - with a pair of twin boys of similar age as me - moving into our village - and they were going to be our next door neighbors...…

Imagining Reality

Imagining Reality

97 1 3

Life is a library of books. If everything that has ever happened is to be written down, everyone can have a library of their own. - Short stories inspired by everyday life -…

Fake Turns Real

Fake Turns Real

138,794 4,234 17

"You're pretty upset about it," John stated, "Last night... You looked kind of terrible when you came in. And what you did totally showed it all. You wanted to escape from everything by getting that drunk."I pursed my lips and nodded. I could not believe I was talking about my situation - of being pressured, almost forced, to get married with a man I did not love - with John."It's not going to solve the problem if you only get yourself drunk every time," John continued."I know,""Then do you have any plans in mind?""I - I don't have any," I admitted."Well," John said slowly, "I have..."…



29 0 1

What more could I ask for?I had a stable job, a cosy little house, and a caring boyfriend. I was living a predictable, safe and consistent life.I loved this new life of mine... Or was I only pretending?*****Casey Watson knew how destructive it could be when she did not have control over everything.Trading in her old life containing a whole lot of freedom and a regular dosage of adrenaline, she now got a new life that was calm and secure. There were no more surprises, and she was more than glad to have it stay that way... Until the day she saw Jaeger Reed again.…

Foreign Crush

Foreign Crush

115 0 7

Coming from two very different places in the world, destiny had linked Jay and Claire together despite the distance. Like ending up in the same country, same city, same university and having the same major were not bringing the pair close enough, they had a class together and were sitting right next to each other - much to Claire's surprise and delight. But as things started to evolve, confusion surfaced and engulfed Claire, blurring her vision of the future. No one knew what was to come; but it was certain that Claire was sinking further and further into a whirlpool of mixed emotions and uncertainties, with a bottom so deep that it might not exist at all...…

125 and 214 Shades of Grimes

125 and 214 Shades of Grimes

9,935 437 35

Fear and excitement crept up my spine as they slowly advanced on me. I was yanking hard on the ties that were restraining my ankles and wrists, which were strapped against the wooden chair firmly, keeping me in place.I looked from one face to another – both had silky blond hair falling across their foreheads casually, hanging right above their glistering green eyes, which were burning with passion and need at the very moment. I trailed my gaze downwards, across their straight nose, round their high cheekbones, skimming down their angular and strong jaws – and finally rested my eyes on their plump lips… Hmm… I could not help but licked my own lips, moistening them with my tongue.“Stop!” my consciousness shouted at me, “Can’t you see that they’re dangerous?”Yes… Danger was radiating loud and sharp from all over their bodies. But who cared? Maybe my consciousness, which was slipping away further and further by each tick of the clock...…

Young Love

Young Love

290 2 13

I closed my eyes and tilted my face up, soaking in the afternoon sun as my feet brought me forward down the peaceful promenade. Soft wind caressed my cheeks, just like it was blowing me gentle kisses. The soothing sound of the sea waves clashing was like music to my ears, and I could hear the bubbles of sounds from the people around… And suddenly I saw him.It was like there was a soft glow around his tall and lean figure, radiating from his smile, his laughter. I had never seen a person that looked more beautiful than him.He had blond hair that looked so soft, forming a silky curtain above his eyes, falling sideways and covering one of his eyebrows slightly. His green eyes shining like emeralds under the sun, twinkling like the stars in the sky, overpowering the bright sun. At the end of his perfect nose, was a pair of trembling red lips, emitting laughter at the moment.He looked like a Greek God, even in a white T-shirt and black skinny jeans with black hightops.My heart was hammering hard and fast.…

Deadly Romance

Deadly Romance

432 39 13

Second Chance

Second Chance

427 24 13

I did not know how long exactly had passed, but finally I opened my eyes. I was lying in my own room, in the house which I bought myself. What exactly had happened? Was I dead?My head hurt, but I ignored it and sat up. I rubbed my forehead, and that was when I realized the scar on my finger. I got it when I was cooking with John and Edward, as I accidentally sliced my finger majorly once.It all seemed like a nightmare, with what happened with the twins, but this scar proved that they were all true. And I realized my clothes were soaking wet, just like how they were before my leap—So I did not die and ended up in my own house? What was happening?I looked at my bedside clock, and saw that the date was two years ago. And today was the day when I first met the twins, I could clearly remember that.Looked like I had been transferred to the past.…

Can't Forget You

Can't Forget You

223 12 6

“Charlie,” Father began as Charlie was munching on a biscuit, “You’re a big boy now, and starting from tomorrow you’re going to start learning, do you like the sound of it?”“Learning? But I want to play!” Charlie stopped eating his biscuit and protested after shooting a confused glance at me, furrowing his tiny eyebrows.“Don’t you want to be like your sister? Don’t you want to be smart and learn how to read and write and read all those books?” Father placed his elbows on the desk and leaned on them, looking at Charlie patiently.“Like (Yn)?” Charlie looked at me again.“Yes,” Father answered.Charlie fell silent for a moment, and then he began to break into a smile, “Okay then!”I looked at Charlie lovingly. He always looked up to me; he was the best brother anyone could have ever asked for, even though he sometimes could be very annoying.“I have hired a tutor for you, and he’d be living with us here. He’ll be arriving at around nine o’clock tomorrow, so you’d better wake up early!” Father told Charlie.Charlie nodded in response and grinned at me. I grinned back.…

Bad Behavior

Bad Behavior

960 23 16

New place, new school, new friends. The typical new life after moving to a new town.But things were not typical at all when you got involved with the popular and oh-so-gorgeous boy at school.And there were two of them. Twins.Like one was not troublesome enough.Boys envied them, and girls went head over heels over them, ready to kill. Like literally. With a crush that massive and serious, things could get ugly, REALLY ugly.No, not typical at all.…

Go Getter

Go Getter

291 15 11

I sat next to the window of the tower, looking out aimlessly. The view in front of me had changed a lot throughout the years, but I could not say so for my situation. The yard in front of me was still yellowish green, but the colorful flowers had disappeared since autumn had arrived. The forest surrounding the yard had turned brown, too. But the moat and had been as unwelcoming as ever, just like me, who was loved by no one, and no changes had occurred in my miserable life.I looked up at the sky – so blue, so clear. I wondered when I would finally get the chance to run carelessly under the sheet of blue sky…My daydream was interrupted by a knock on my door, “Princess (Yn), your meal is—”I was the princess of this small remote country. Although I was a princess, no one had ever really treated me like a princess. I did have pretty gowns, a nice room, but I was considered as a person who always caused troubles and was locked in a tower...…

Romeo and Cinderella

Romeo and Cinderella

587 18 16

“Mr. and Mrs. Grimes want to see you,” Caroline said quickly, and then turned around and walked away as fast as she could, like I had some sort of plague.I sighed, knowing that it would not be something good.They were my masters. I was a maid of the Grimes family. I did not know who my parents were, and as far as my memory would go, I had been in the Grimes family all my life. They had adopted me and in the beginning everything was perfect. I was treated like the daughter of the Grimes family and I got along with their twin sons John and Edward really well, as they were just a bit older than me.Until one day, one of the twins and I accidentally kissed. I was fourteen.Since then, I had been kicked out of heaven, to hell.…

Promise under the Snow

Promise under the Snow

432 12 12

I hated school. I really did.Just because I was quiet, bullies targeted me. No matter how I stood up for myself, there were simply too many of them and I could not win alone.Well, it was snowing today - I liked snow - hopefully something good was going to happen for once.And it did happen. I was so shocked and taken aback by his beauty when he entered the classroom with the teacher.And he was now sitting next to me.…

All I Want is You

All I Want is You

6,329 180 12

That jerk. I hated him. He always thought he was the best in everything – he thought he looked the best, could get the most girls, was the coolest, and on top of everything.As much as I did not want to admit it, he was actually the most popular guy in our school; no girl was good enough to him even though he could get every single girl that he wanted here.Except me – but that was if he was even interested in me. He knew I hated him, and he would bully me, just like the others.And his name, was John Grimes.…

Unexpected Treasure

Unexpected Treasure

161 12 12

Everything was clear now. At least my mind was, I couldn’t say so for my surroundings though. I turned to face Edward, and I could see realization had hit him too.“Pop Rocket is totally ruined… What should we do now?” I asked worriedly.“But we survived… That’s what is important…” Edward muttered.“But we’re stuck in this place! And we don’t even know where we are!”“Never mind, we will eventually work it out… At least this gives us another adventure…” Edward tried to comfort me, but I was too occupied with fear and worry.“No! This will not work out! The rocket is gone! How are we going to get back! Are you planning to SWIM back?” I was losing it, and I could not help but screamed at him, with tears streaming down my face.…



778 32 15

He might be a dangerous assassin, but he saved me.All I could think about was him... Until I met a guy at the market.Just as I thought things were starting to get better, I discovered a shocking fact.My life had always been peaceful, being born in a decent family. But ever since that day I wandered off track in the market, having encountered my mysterious savior, things were never the same again...…

Angel and Devil

Angel and Devil

2,979 71 17

Some people said there was an afterlife for every soul. Some would go to heaven and some to hell. But some said you just die and nothing else. No one really knew what would be waiting for you after you die – that was what made death scary.But I could tell you, there was nothing to be scared of, unless you were a very, very bad person. The saying of heaven and hell was right. There was a hell waiting for you if you were considered a sinner that could not be forgiven. Like killing someone, just one single person, could get you banned from heaven forever.However, if you were a kind person, then you may gain access to heaven, and join many other angels there. Or else, you would just end up with devils eternally.You may ask, how did you know that? Well, because, I was an angel. I was good enough that I could go to heaven and joined my beloved ones that had also turned into angels. But now, I must give up my life as an angel for a while – I was given a mission, to save someone from the edge of being banned from heaven. After all, there were people who had a good side buried deep in their hearts, and we would try everything to save them from being doomed.And it would not be an easy task. I could easily get involved and end up in hell.…



831 39 16

It was all so weird.Those twin boys that I grew up with, I had been best friends with them. But now even though we studied at the same school, they ignored me like I did not exist.Not even when I got bullied did they help me.But all of a sudden things were heading in the opposite direction again, and they wanted to talk to me.What now, they thought they could ditch me and pick me up again whenever they wanted?…