Camera Face Orgins

Camera Face Orgins

14,060 495 7

Dark NewScapePro fanfiction, will get lighter in later chapters. Revolves around his camera Face and it's origins. Chapter one gore and torture warning!(Art found on Google and not by me)He remembered the operation.Of course. Why wouldn't he?The pain..Oh God the pain...He cringed just thinking about it. No one knew his real face, because they were too young. Or, they didn't want to remember. The doctors did what they could to save him, but underneath his new face there were still scars...I t a l l started y e a r s a n d y e a r s a g o . . .…

Riddle School: The Retelling

Riddle School: The Retelling

2,771 44 7

Riddle School is a simple point-and-click puzzle game, and is super short and fun to play. But, what if the game was more in-depth? More realistic? With more thought out actions, more thoughts in general, and a little more feeling?Well, I guess this re-telling of the classic flash game is the answer to those "what if" questions.…

A Cream's Dream (Budder X Bitty Story)

A Cream's Dream (Budder X Bitty Story)

62 2 3

Budder was living a normal life. Well, as normal as a talking slab of Butter can get. Until, one day, she met Bitty.…