The South of My Heart

The South of My Heart

8 0 1

Lana, a famous filmmaker of 22 years old. She gets criticised by the public about an incident that led her to escape to South London, where she was raised. There, she comes up with a new film project, sees her childhood again, and reunites with an old crush.…

Hidden Grace

Hidden Grace

22 0 3

It's about a girl called Luz who is caring and kind, yet weird and guilty. She has friends from her childhood who betrays for a certain reason after open a mysterious door. There will be supporting characters too that will be introduced later.…

Poetry By L.

Poetry By L.

128 2 18

Hi. this is my first time writing a poem in public, so I hope you will like it.…

A Nymph's Voice

A Nymph's Voice

5 1 2

An 18 year old girl called Akari Summers who dreams of adventure, and wanting to write stories in the future. She, then, gets a trip to Greece from her mother, and begins to discover the real story behind Echo the Mountain Nymph. Will she succeed? Will she need help on the way too?…