A New Life

A New Life

7 0 1

Emily and her sister Venessa have always been BTS fans. Little do they know that they will end up marrying one of them.Ps: This is a BTS fan ficPs: This story is something that would have happened if the book IF MAGIC WERE REAL never exsisted.…

If Magic Were Real

If Magic Were Real

39 0 13

Stacey Bannet has never had a normal life. Ever since she reseived her magical amulent from Autahallen, it's been one magical expierence after another. Now someone's fate has been put in her hands. Can she find her magical partner and train them well? Find Out.…

A Frozen Flower

A Frozen Flower

161 1 5

This is the untold story of a dispised wof ship: Winterjou and there is a little bit of Purtle/Peril x Turtle…

Wings of Fire Fun

Wings of Fire Fun

42 0 3

Cannon wof ships and oc's…