Tamed {James Conrad X OC}
10 years ago, 8 year old Chelsea and her parents crashed on a remote island, both pilots killed when the plane crashed. Skull Island was unforgivable to her and within a few weeks, her mother was killed by the birds of the island. But Chelsea was one very determined girl. She was determined enough to tame the demon lizards known as Skull Crawlers. Her father forbade it but knowing what his daughter was like, soon gave in. He was dying of starvation where his immune system was so weak. So Chelsea left the protection of the Ewees village and set of West towards the vents where the skull crawlers appeared from. She was terrified out of her mind when the alpha appeared but the alpha could (for some reason) trust the meak human and within a few weeks of first meeting, the alpha was tamed to perfection, coming to Chelsea's aid whenever she called. The littler ones were harder to tame but with the Alpha's help and encouragement, Chelsea tamed all 7 baby Skull Crawlers and the Alpha. She also gave them names. But when an exploration team begin to blow up the island, Chelsea takes cover in the vents with Alpha (the big skull crawler) until the explosions and kong disappear. Will Chelsea have the heart to leave all she built behind and go back to society? Or will she back out at the last minute and stay with her beloved skull crawlers she has grown to call her family?…