Forgetting Harry Styles (Sequel to Being Paul's Daughter)
Being Paul's Daughter (in editing)

Being Paul's Daughter (in editing)

398,112 6,726 50

Savannah Higgins, is the daughter of paul, One Direction's Body guard. but paul has been caught up with his job for most of savannahs life and hasnt been there for her. Savannahs heart is in pieces over her fatherless childhood, luckily her and her mum have an unbreakable relationship, but when her mum is given a 24 month contract wiht her work, Savannah is forced to go on tour with the most famous boy band in the world which her father was tryig to keep her as far away from them as possible. Tears Will Fall, Hearts Will Break, Blood Will Spill!…

I'm Different

I'm Different

246 10 2

My parents never believed in letting me use my powers, I was only ever allowed to transform on a full moon or if I was in serious danger, like the pack of rogues that attacked our old home last week. That’s why I’m sitting here, in a car on my way to a new life. For some reason they tell me that they need to "protect me at all cost". So that meant I wasn’t allowed to tell any of my friends where I was going or even that I was leaving, and I had to drop all contact with them. There is something i can fel that tells me good things are going to come from this move but also some bad.…

Why You?

Why You?

56 1 2

It was that time again, time for my mum to pack me up and send me to a new boarding school to deal with my ‘rebellious’ stage. Rebellious would be the last word I would use to describe me. Sure I hosted a few parties at our family home while my family were in another country, and I may have gotten into trouble with the cops. But what 18yo ‘rebellious’ teen hasn’t. So here I am on a plane to the other side of the world to attend a mixed boarding school, next to some old guy who talks in his sleep. Life’s looking good for me.…

Flying High
Once Forgotten Always Remembered