Untold Stories Collection

Untold Stories Collection

9 0 4

A collection of micro stories I write for fun and practice. No overarching theme that I'm aware of. Cover picture unrelated; that's my cat.[Random Prompt] = Prompt generated by a random prompt generator. Hopefully self explanatory. Other tags added as I gain the need for other tags. Non-tagged stories just made up by me for various reasons.…

Core of the Cosmos

Core of the Cosmos

6 0 1

Ever since Vin met the strange shopkeeper in the Bazaar that fateful day, letters of fire burned through her thoughts. Lately, however, she began to feel untethered, disconnected from reality and unsure which world was real. Was it really the drab, gloomy world with the pastel houses and the Bazaar looming overhead? Was it the foggy jungle of dizzying antiquity with the hungry vines gibbering from every crevice? But only after she had the dreams of a gnawing ocean would she take action, driving into the heart of the Bazaar to unravel the mystery once and for all.…

Clashing Canons

Clashing Canons

16 0 1

A silly little D&D backstory I wrote to justify why my wizard knew Cure Wounds. I blame my Discord pals for getting me to post this one. "Cleric of the Old Gods Darius Darkmantle takes his wizard friend Lilith Fireye into the tunnels beneath the city to catch a glimpse of the Outside, but the pair get more than they bargained for."…