DEFCON Year New Generation: Lacey Duncan

DEFCON Year New Generation: Lacey Duncan

18 0 15

In 2033, after Democrat President Wally Barnes' second and last inauguration, USAF Airman Lacey Duncan is part of an elite USAF commando unit called the Mad Wolves after shooting a terrorist and thwarting an attack. But when two attacks leads the Mad Wolves on the trail of a terrorist group named Empire of God, will Lacey's dormant PTSD prevent her from doing her job? And how will she adapt to the situation?…

Jurassic World : alternative version

Jurassic World : alternative version

602 0 58

In 2015, a new dinosaur park, Jurassic World has opened. 30,000 persons visit it each day. But when a deadly virus is discovered and a hacking occurs, it's up to Owen Grady, his foster daughter and the US Navy to solve the problem and save as many lives as they can.Will they ever make it ? And at which cost ?…

DEFCON Year New Generation: Leigh Barton

DEFCON Year New Generation: Leigh Barton

38 0 19

Leigh Barton, an experienced World War III veteran, is tasked with protecting a US delegation tasked with discussing the US presence in the Southeast Asia Sea, formerly known as the South China Sea. But when the delegation narrowly escapes assassination, will Leigh and her team be able to connect the dots and reveal the truth? And at what cost will those revelations come?…

DEFCON Year New Generation: Harper Emery

DEFCON Year New Generation: Harper Emery

15 0 15

After the end of World War III, US Navy sailor Harper Emery is part of a VBSS team. After losing a friend during a successful hostage rescue mission, Harper finds a trail leading to a human trafficking ring. Will she, her team and their allies be able to track the culprit down? And at what cost will they manage to do it?…

DEFCON Final Year

DEFCON Final Year

13 0 11

Two years after the start of World War III, the American military and its allies have managed to vanquish their Russian, Iranian and North Korean foes while pushing Chinese enemies back to Beijing and are now ready to deal the final blow to their Chinese enemies. But with the final battle that close, will the US Military and its allies manage to win the war? And how many more lives will be lost for the sake of total victory?…



8 0 7

One year after World War III started, the American forces and their allies are launching new offensives to take more ground away from Chinese, Russian, North Korean and Iranian control and influence. But every victory is paid for in blood. Will the US troops and their allies reach their goal? One thing is for sure: the mission won't be bloodless, since war is now raging at every corner of the world.…



22 0 8

It is year 2024. The United States warily looks at China and Russia while simultaneously preparing for an inevitable war. A war which involves millions of US troops from all branches and every component of the US Military. Will they manage to hold whatever ground rightfully belongs to America's Allies? And at what cost?…

Robert Muchamore's CHERUB Cast

Robert Muchamore's CHERUB Cast

1,131 9 22

What if Robert Muchamore's CHERUB was a movie? Here are cast ideas.…

Jurassic World: The Crisis

Jurassic World: The Crisis

66 0 18

In this AU, a terrorist group, aided by the rogue UN peacekeepers garrisoned on Isla Nublar and Vic Hoskins' Ingen operatives, has taken over Jurassic World. Now intending to unleash their sinister plans on the caught staffers and tourists to prove their views, they haven't counted on Owen Grady and his daughter Hazel, helped by Barry Sembène, to mess up their carefully laid plans.…

Michael Vey Cast

Michael Vey Cast

2,127 7 29

My own rendition of "What If... Michael Vey was a movie"…

Task Force Cobra

Task Force Cobra

74 9 13

A compilation of short stories featuring female operatives within multinational special operations Task Force Cobra. Their goal? To protect their contry and their interests. Their name? Confidential. Their past? Confidential.…

Jurassic World: The Evil Alliance

Jurassic World: The Evil Alliance

183 0 11

In this AU, Jurassic World is taken by an eco-terrorist organization named Free the Dinosaurs, with help from Vic Hoskins' rogue InGen Security Division and Biosyn's Security Division. The diabolical alliance plans to unleash their sinister plans on the caught staffers and tourists.But they didn't count on Utahraptor trainer-turned former Navy SEAL Owen Grady and his daughter Hazel, with some help with a quartet of 2nd Commando Regiment operators, to mess up their plans.…

Jurassic World : The Siege

Jurassic World : The Siege

530 0 22

In this AU, when an anti-dinosaur terrorist organization, led by brutal, sadistic mastermind Ted Kline, seized control of Jurassic World in Isla Nublar, intending to unleash their sinister plans on the tourists and the staffers to prove their point about the dinosaurs to the world. But they haven't counted on former Navy SEAL turned velociraptor trainer Owen Grady, with help from Jurassic World operations manager Claire Dearing and a squad of bad ass US Marines, among whom Owen's daughter Cheryl Grady, to mess up their plans.…

The Jurassic Reporter // Jurassic World and Netflix's A Christmas Prince trilogy

The Jurassic Reporter // Jurassic World and Netflix's A Christmas Prince trilogy

133 4 15

Eight years after being forced to bear her cousin, Peyton Grady, a former USMC combat correspondant, is now a journalist for USA Today after four years serving her country. She's currently accompanying Coalition troops monitoring the rise of UN forces, under the mandate of the UN De-escalation Mentoring International Force, and their local allies.Jurassic World x A Christmas Prince. When Universal Pictures meet Netflix…

The Jurassic Family

The Jurassic Family

1,289 10 12

Basically, the same as Dolphinheart99 on but with Owen Grady having a 16-year old daughter named Peyton.…

Jurassic World : A Good Day to Be Dying

Jurassic World : A Good Day to Be Dying

1,371 3 20

June 12, 2015. Jurassic World, a successful dinosaur-themed park is open. But when a terrorist group named Extinct Dinosaurs Now takes the park hostage, it's up to raptor handler Owen Grady, his Navy EOD expert daughter Sasha, a quartet of US Navy SEALs, with the help of Claire Dearing and her assistant and Barry Sembène, to stop them from completing the besiegers' sinister goal.…

The Jurassic Marines

The Jurassic Marines

369 4 9

In this AU without the Indominus Rex, a terrorist paramilitary group led by sadistic Leon Mills and helped by Vic Hoskins' InGen Security Division. They now intend to prove that dinosaurs can be used as weapons of mass destruction, and will test their sinister concept on the caught staffers and tourists.But they didn't count on Utahraptor handler and former US Navy SEAL Owen Grady and his friend Barry Sembène, with the help of a trio of US Marines comprising USMC 1st Lieutenant Tim Murphy, Sgt Mike Gomez and PFC Casey Grady, to mess up their plans.…

Jurassic World: Danger Close, Marines

Jurassic World: Danger Close, Marines

700 6 9

In this AU, when sadistic Larry Reisner and his extremist paramilitary group named Extinction Now takes Jurassic World visitors and staffers hostage with the help of corrupt Chief of Security Vic Hoskins and his rogue InGen mercenaries, it seems no one can stop them. Not even a stranded former Navy SEAL named Owen Grady and his friend, former French Green Beret Barry Sembène.But when a quartet of US Marines, led by Owen's daughter, Corporal Cyd Grady, manages to land on Nublar, it's time to kick some villainous ass.…

The Jurassic Orphan

The Jurassic Orphan

1,638 26 14

After her parents die in a gory plane accident, four-year-old Valeria Grady has to go living with her uncle Owen Grady and her 17-year old cousin Reese. There, the little family will meet surprises, including two hybrids that take a liking to the little girl.…

Grady, JJ

Grady, JJ

144 2 8

In this AU/Crossover, Jurassic World is taken over by a paramilitary group, led by sadistic Harry Lowell, and the rogue InGen security division, led by . They plan to unleash their sinister plan on the caught staffers and visitors. Worse is Claire Dearing is among the hostages.Now, it's up to NCIS OSP agents Sam Hanna and G Callen, alongside US Marine Corporal Joanne Jenna Grady, better known as JJ, and her team to stop these bad guys and mess up their plans. They can count on former Navy SEAL Owen Grady and former Commando Marine Barry Sembène to help them.…