The Brokerage Of Love

The Brokerage Of Love

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Love is a priceless gift given by the nature but in fact it's made a commodity by humans , a thing that can be auctioned and can be left whenever their desires are fulfilled The definition of love is completely different in today's generation but actually this Love doesn't exist in this current generation. Basically it's the attraction that took the name of love, humans are attracted to each other and a myth is going in their mind that they love the next one. In fact love is unconditional and it doesn't require any physical or time attachment it's truly about the emotional attachment, the faith, the devotion, the respect and caring for each other. This myth about Love is not only disolving the thought process of youth of the current generation but also it's taking them to wrong path and forcing them to take wrong decisions.. This story consist of those key factors that will enhance the points that help for new accomodator to enhance their logic towards Love and prevent them from facing those harships and problems that many of current generation is facing and help them to be in straight forward direction.. Author : Mithlesh Kumar Kori…