iPhone notes

iPhone notes

1,338 1 98

iPhone notes I have to print out.One morning, my phone was fully charged. But when I transferred it to another plug, it just instantly died on me! I'm so frustrated and I'm so worried that if the Apple Store doesn't do squat about it, I'm gonna lose all my notes and pictures! ????Thankfully though, most of my most important notes (except for the animes seen and not seen) were stored in the SIM card from my phone that died. I simply opened that slot on the right side by using my earring as the key, then switched the SIM cards and kept the one for the new phone in my pocket. This should work. Hopefully it will. I cannot lose these notes. I even have pictures I cannot retake!UPDATE: As of January 9th, 2018, I got a new port put in my old phone and had it revived! As I'm organizing notes and pics, I'm keeping and recycling some things. The only thing I can't figure out is how to transfer my videos to my new phone.NEW UPDATE: As of May 24th, 2018, something tragic happened. I accidentally reset my old iPhone trying to disconnect it from Find my iPhone by selecting "Erase iPhone". I managed to save most of the notes, but that's not it. What's really terrible about this is I lost over 8,000 things of photos and videos dating back from 2015 to April 2017. I've lost important and sentimental stuff such as things I captured, even from places I didn't agree with. I lost my own photos and videos from Seaworld Orlando and my very 1st anime convention. I've been very depressed ever since, it wasn't even backed up. Bc I didn't know how to use iCloud backup, that's the reason why I turned to other alternatives such as Wattpad and deviantart Sta.sh. I can't even get pictures of some of my relatives anymore bc some of them aren't as young as they were in 2014 and one of them is long dead. If you try to disconnect from Find my iPhone, go to settings and shut it off instead.…

My Recipes

My Recipes

62 0 7

When you're bored or need something to satisfy your appetite, food is the best answer. Never mind those manufactured products you get from drug stores, don't bother stuffing your face in them (they'll make you gain weight or break out anyways); So why not just make something you've never had before? I'm willing to share with you my delicious and amazing recipes that I've made in the coarse of time. Nothing has satisfied my taste buds and inspired me to do what I enjoy doing more than the food and treats I've made myself. This is especially perfect for you artistic minds who're struggling to write the next story or draw the next picture and overcome the winter blues I hope. I struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder myself, but when I eat something so amazing that I made, I can't help but feel peace of mind.…

Restitched, Reborn?

Restitched, Reborn?

39 2 3

Nothing has happened since y/n graduated from high school. When she leaves her skeptic household one night, she travels hundreds of miles away by foot. A few days pass, she stumbles into Death City. There, she is benevolently greeted by Lord Death himself. She isn't too surprised by the Grim Reaper, due to her weird personality. She is then taken into custody by Death Scythe, despite her age. The page in her new beginning seems to flow smoothly until she discovers she has mystical powers she never knew about. Instead of being suspected as a witch, she is registered to DWMA as a student under Death Scythe's watch. And does it go on? Yes. Eventually, when she is assigned to take part in a remedial lesson, she doesn't know how to deal with this opponent. Of course, this "opponent" of hers turns out alright when she gets to know him better. In time though, things get quite complicated as she is revisits demons from the psychological hell that she endured at a young age. How will y/n put up with these new obstacles that stand before her? Is she really the person she always believed she was or has she been lying to herself the whole time? Will other people besides Death Scythe help her overcome this paranoia?…

Hair Obsession

Hair Obsession

20 0 1

Y/n has always envied Medusa's looks, especially that hairstyle of hers. When a haircut attempt goes well, or at least that's what she thinks, she goes to two people she knows for their approval. But their opinions aren't what she thought they'd be. Medusa's hairstyle is like no other haircut I've seen in my entire life or in history. It's even better than Coraline's bob! I actually got Medusa's hair on 8/11/2014, except I didn't get the choppy baby bangs (I wasn't ready for that) I've kept it in the same style. Unfortunately, throughout time, the front strands got shot due to using too much heat (I used the flat iron at 450 degrees) and not combing gently (or even starting at the ends). These days I do take better care at my hair, but I chopped a couple inches off the front strands because the very ends were shot. Then I got the strands cut at an angle and it may look better in some people's eyes, but I hate it. I hate how it feels. So my goal is to grow out my hair till May or July if I'm lucky and be gentle with my hair in the process. Or if the strands aren't long enough by either of those months, I'll wait till September or October. Some people do Not understand weirdism, it's like some people don't understand transgenderism or being gay. Do NOT listen to what other people say about your appearance no matter how weird it is in their eyes. If you wanna be weird and look weird, you can go right on ahead! Being weird on the inside out is what makes you one of the most unique kind of human beings on this crazy yet amazing planet we exist on! Don't let any negative prejudice shove you in the shell you once sat in when you were younger. Stand up and tall and be proud of what you are and how you show that! To end this, here are a bunch of random emojis. 😆✊🏻🌈🔥⭐️🌙💫🌸🍄🐳🐛🙈🦊☂️⛑👑👗🍱🍭🎭🎱🏵🎟🚦🎆🌌🌃🎇🎥📽🔧💎🔮🎈🖋🖤💜💙💚💛❤️💓💞💕💖💘💝☮️✡️☸…

Power Outage

Power Outage

49 0 1

This is based on what occurred around July 20th or something. We had a freak thunderstorm, causing the power lines to be damaged and so many trees to be ripped right out of their places. One of them literally destroyed the sidewalk and one fell Right. Next. To our house. One of the worst things I've feared for a long time and it almost happened. I worked on this on July, 25 2016 at 4:09 PM and didn't get back to it till recently. Piece of advice to live by Always: Be careful where you're looking to live. Living in a neighborhood isolated by tall trees can be very isolating and if there's a freak thunderstorm, one of them may fall on top of you in your sleep. (Of course I was the only one who was awake at the time.) NOTE; The dream scene is also based on the exact dream I had that night. I Almost fell asleep and when I was having that dream, what sounded like a train was actually the thunder and wind outside. Same goes for the lights from the train, which was actually the lightning. When I opened my eyes, I saw lightning flashing vigorously and the trees swaying so much! Y/n's apartment gets destroyed by the damage of a freak thunderstorm that occurs one night and has to stay at Stein's place for the time being. They discuss how they're very different from normal people and so forth. And just how will they really kick things off during the aftermath of this power outage?…

Papa Albarn

Papa Albarn

12 0 1

This just a one-shot. Nothing extravagant. Idk why but ever since I met Vic Mignogna, the moment I met him and talked briefly to him kept replaying countless times in my head. Then I said to myself "Why couldn't I have Vic be my father?" He's a big sweetheart, a gentleman and is quite handsome." (Guilty as charged, I admit it.) Bc I discovered him for his role as Spirit, the last thing I'd like to think of him as is the type of father I never grew up having and I wish was my dad so I'd call him "Daddy" or "Papa" or cuddle next to him whether I was bored, tired or upset about something. God bless him.…