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(Warning: this story contains blood, murder, gore, blades, violence, and some body horror. I will not be putting trigger warnings before hand, so this is you warning. Please read at your own risk.)Killing, stealing, magic, monsters. Things not normal or generally accepted in our world, but something much more common in theirs. Things you would find pretty much anywhere you traveled. Intelligent species, just called different races, roaming the lands of the world just like humans, with and as things we find in books and legends. Making a life for yourself is hard as ever, and knowing who is friend and who is foe is ever so important. Five people of different races, each with different skills, different backgrounds, all end up together on a journey to find themselves and finally fill that emptiness that has never gone away. And also to kill some monsters, make some money, and have adventures that they'll never forget. And as the saying goes, "the blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb".Wilbur, a human bard who never settles down in one place. Eret, an elven swordmage who kicked out gender long ago. Dream, a changeling rogue who knows only the evils of love. Tommy, a halfling artificer who's been on his own since his beginning. Callahan, a faun ranger who's skills don't need words to go with them. An unlikely group who have no real connections to one another, about to face dangers of stories foretold.…