Just Accept Me

Just Accept Me

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My heart skipped a beat as his face darkened. He took a menacing step forward, causing me to take a tentative step back. Seeing the motion caused him to growl and stalk towards me, grabbing me before I could move any further. "Don't." He nuzzled his face in my neck, my eyes fluttering shut at his proximity. He left a gentle kiss on my neck before lifting his face to look at me. "Don't you ever try to leave me. I. Will. Find. You." I gulped at the fire in his eyes. I'm stuck.____________ Katherine. A girl who couldn't escape reality for just a second until one day she meets the one. But will the one be her hero? Or will he be her death...*******************This book is old I'm working on improving it!!!! Please stay tuned as I rip this book apart and glue it back together!!!…



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I whimpered as I looked up at the man who stood in front of me. His build was large and intimidating. The man looked as though he could break me in half with just the snap of his fingers.He continued to advance toward me, causing me to retreat back. The large man seemed to not want to break the silence and just continued to look down at me. So I decided to break the ice."How may I serve you, Alpha?" I said quietly, my voice cracking as I spoke. Pathetic.The man still said nothing. The entire hall full of wolves all watched in awe and fear as the mighty Alpha stared down at the small, weak omega. They were half expecting him to tear me apart. But he did nothing of the sort. Instead he surprised them all, my self included. He growled and lifted me bridal style and walked out with quick, but graceful strides. Leaving an entire room of shocked werewolves in his wake.For this alpha was known to be a killer. A cold, heartless man who knew nothing of the word regret or kindness. A murderer.For this alpha, was Alpha Grey._____Follow Alpha Grey and Omega Rose on their path of love, hate, betrayal, and adventure. Watch as their story unfolds and friends and enemies make themselves known and betrayal consumes their world. Watch as they fight for what is right and fight for the life they want and could have. Watch as Omega Rose Kathleen Adriano defies fate.…

Saying Yes to  Mr. Bad Boy