Watching His Life (Stydia)

Watching His Life (Stydia)

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I have lived many lifes under different names. And i made a name for my self. Whether Stiles Stilinski, Thomas or Mitch Rapp. Not many know the real me and i am fine with that. I have gained and lost family but never found who my real parents are but i am fine with that too. Hope Mikaelson never new she had a twin brother since the witches erased his memories from her parents. However she is determined to find out who he is and connect with him, after all she was the big sister and was now her role to protect her little brother. No matter the cost and all her family agreed with her as well.Lydia has been worried for Stiles since he hasn't seen him in 3 years. The pack think he is dead and have stooped looking for him. But she knows he is not dead. Its stiles and he is a fighter, she knows that he is alive. Most in the pack tell her to move on but she wont, she loves him and will not give him up. The survivors are worried for Thomas they have been trying get in contact with him. They are family, but he needed space after loosing his friend, his brother Newt. They haven't seen him or header of him for over one year.Agent Coulson - Stilinski has been looking for his missing nephew for three years now. The smart kid he used to look after during some summers. Many told him to stop the search , that after such a long time he would be dead, but he knows better, he knows the kid, and he knows that he is not so easily killed and that he is alive.…