Once Upon A Time: Storybrooke can text

Once Upon A Time: Storybrooke can text

127 3 3

I random person from the outside world and Storybrooke can now text each other.I just wanted to add in a normal fan girl person. Just cause I can ;)…

Corporate Hospitality

Corporate Hospitality

6 0 1

Jenny Hendricks is a private detective who has solved some of the best mysteries in her time. A mystery comes up which is equally as difficult. Two companies with a war in between seem to be getting killed off like flies. Whose the culprit? What purpose could come from the cold blooded murders?…

The Evil Queens Daughter

The Evil Queens Daughter

5,836 235 28

I do not own the OUAT ( Once Upon A Time ) characters. This is simply a fanfic. Summer the daughter of Regina and secretly Captain Hook is finally found. How will everyone react to her being found again. I am gonna bring in some new characters: Bambi, Simba, Nala, Pocahontas. I will make some references to the original storyline of OUAT but will make some of my own too. If when you're reading this and these characters have been added I'll keep my version of them.…

Dead Girl Diary

Dead Girl Diary

110 6 7

After the murder of Amelia DeVere a woman moves in and finds Amelia's old diary. Being on the police force this drives our hero of the story, Samantha Hunter, to find the truth.Based in Scotland…

Double Forbidden

Double Forbidden

142 5 1

A/N: This is a book with the main romance being gay, if you find this offensive then don't read.It's hard enough being in love to someone whose dating someone. But what happens when that person just so happens to be the same gender and also your teacher.…

By The River

By The River

1 0 1

When a girl meets a boy at her ' special spot ' by a river she develops a friendship. Shes a girl with many a problem so someone to talk to is a God send.…



159 8 19

This is the human POV. @shadowwoldgirl1 is wrighting the memory POV. Kali is half werewolf and half saint but doesn't know who to believe but her friend Wolfie is helping her.…

Danger City ( Hero POV )

Danger City ( Hero POV )

384 23 10

When a cities always in danger a hero is required but where theres a hero theres a villain ( Villain POV by GeraldineKimm )The hero is called Luna Carter and he villain is Scarlett Forest and the thing is when their not their friends. Can they keep this up or will they kill each other? Find out. Of course not knowing about each other isn't great but is it better than knowing. To each other their just innocent friends. Ruby Red fights for evil and Moon Light fights her. DUHRAMA…