Soos and the Virtual Girl

Soos and the Virtual Girl

61 1 6

Soos is lonely and he wants a girlfriend. But he can't talk to girls... Good things he's good at playing games!! He finds two discs. One: 'romance academy' and two 'Miku Miku'. He takes his chances with romance academy, but what happened if it becomes evil? Will a certain blue haired singer come to the rescue? Find outtt!!!…

the kiss that said it all (sonic x mario or is it?)

the kiss that said it all (sonic x mario or is it?)

833 11 5

Mario recently broke up with pricess peach due to getting his heart broke. :( He finds that if he doesn't confess to the one he truly loved all along, he'll never be happy again. Will Mario be with the one he loves? Will he end up finding someone else? Come find out :)…

I'm sorry(again), Mario (Luigi x Sonic)

I'm sorry(again), Mario (Luigi x Sonic)

307 4 5

This is a continuation from 'the kiss that said it all'. It is Luigi's POV from when Mario caught him kissing Peach. Was the kiss they shared even real? Or was Peach doing it in spite of Mario? Will Luigi get a happy ending and manage to appologise to Mario? Read to find outtt!!!!…

Love is a Lie (pony Harry potter x twilight sparkle)

Love is a Lie (pony Harry potter x twilight sparkle)

299 15 8

Harry gets turned into a pony and has to find the gem to make him human again! What happens when he finds a certain pony that he starts to feel comfy around. Does he stay as a pony forever or will he leave her alone? Make sure to vote if you like this story!!…