Random Jensa oneshots
Idk I was bored so I decided to write Spensa and Jorgen...Comment if you like it and maybe I will do more?Sorry if they're a little OOC lol.. I've never really written Spensa and Jorgen before. :TSeriously you guys, 69 views?!?!?!?! This almost feels intentional... 😂200 views?!? Thanks you guys!! 😁❤️Woah. 350. *Happy dance*400!!!!!!!!!500.......! Frappuccino, you guys!!Oh my lord how does the have 897 friggin views like GUYS THIS IS SOMETHING I WRITE FOR FUN WHEN I'M BORED YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO ACTUALLY LIKE IT??What. The. Hell. 1.8K. Views. This. Was. Not. Supposed. To. Happennnnnnn!Well we just hit 3.5K-4.2K I am SHOOKETH :0000000THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 30K YOU WONDERFUL CRAZY IDIOTS!!!!!! If you want to read actually okay writing, skip to the last chapter. Everything else is... not very good.…