Lupus Puer

Lupus Puer

5 3 3

Elliot was not granted a good childhood. He wasn't granted a good life. Sometimes people are just wronged through their lives and he was wronged many times. He lost a lot and gained little. The boy who had nothing became a man who hated everything. What caused him to become this way? Why don't you read his story and see for yourself?…

Batil City

Batil City

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The year is 2978, Villains, Heroes, and all different types of species are thriving and the main center for this? Batil City. It is a place of chances and hope with equality being it's main aspect. The two main enemies in this city are the villain Magnus and the hero Dia. The two have been enemies for as long as the city can remember. Dia is a superhuman while Magnus is a sorcerer with some intelligence to him. Though Magnus may try his best he is always beaten by Dia without any effort. Eventually the idea hits Magnus that maybe he should just give up if he is this bad at being a villain.…

Magique Temps

Magique Temps

2 0 8

I laid in my bed, my head pounding. I could feel a heartbeat in my throat as my palm rested against it, sleep just couldn't seem to come. I sat up and tiptoed over to my bookshelf, going into my favorite genre, where all your dreams could come true as the stories brought them to life. Any story you could dream of was there, any story you wanted just one quick search and you could find it. My perfect story? A fairytale, a fantasy, anything magical and fake to whisk me away from the bland, real world we lived in. But my favorite were stories about a wizards or witches. I snatched a book off the shelf, one of my favorites about a wizard named Merlin, and tiptoed back to bed. I opened up the book and I could feel a trembling instead my fingertips, anytime I opened up a good magical book this happened. I thought nothing of t, until tonight. As I read on I reached my favorite part. But I always did feel bad for the poor beasty..."The Wizard, Merlin, faced the gianormous beast in front of him, the dragon's teeth showed as smoke flared from his nostrils. Merlin gathered all his strength, and shot blue fire out from his palms, vanquishing the beast."It seemed tonight, that trembled in my fingertips had meaning. For at the end of that paragraph, red sparks shot of of my finger tips, sending the novel flying across the room. Woah, did...did I just do magic? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Could Isaiah Makal really have magic, or was his whole life a dream? Could he have actually shot out magic? He didn't have a clue on if it had actually happened, but if it had, his time had finally ran out and he was now free to use any magic he wished. What had been holding his gift back before this is the question...…

Guilt Of A Monster

Guilt Of A Monster

7 0 1

This is a story about Sans and how guilty he feels about his brothers death.…

Guilt Of A Scientist

Guilt Of A Scientist

5 0 1

This story is about Alphys feeling guilty about all the bad things shes done.…



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🚨Warning, this story will not have constant updates. It is a simple story for fun and will update when I please.🚨 An orphan, a pessimist, and bright mixing with dark. The outcome is unknown, but remember one thing. Curiosity killed the cat. 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 Ivy has been curious since she was a little girl. Everything she saw she had questions about. Too bad she grew up in Enenchia, where the more questions you asked the more you were hated. One day she asks one too many questions and the Queen banishes her to the human world. 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 May has lost her family, all except her alcoholic mother. May is 18 years old and already living on her own. Her mother is never around and May had obtained a job at the young of 14 by working at a small cafe. To this day she still works there, but her perfectly routined life is thrown into chaos when her mother passes. A year after, a crazy person falls into her life. 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 What will happen to the magical orphan and a lonely pessimist? Will they help or destroy each other when they meet face to face? What happens when dark meets light?…

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

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Do you wish to be reviewed but you don't want to be critiqued by a snobby professional? Well then ask me! A snobby amateur! There are just a few rules. 1. Relax2. Grab some coffee 3. Give me your coffee 4. Run away Oh, and prepare for some adorable puppy scales!…

What Is My Life

What Is My Life

19 0 15

Cover art by: <- PurpleMist🚨Warning, this is my first non fandom story. So prepare for cringe!🚨 Benny Sinclair has dealt with a lot in her short, 21 year life. First, she has suffered from nightmares since she was a toddler. Second, she's had anxiety as long as she can remember. Third, her best friend in the whole world is leaving her behind to head home. She must juggle her anxiety, nightmares, and loneliness while also having the hottest guy she's ever seen try and help her through life. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 At the age of three, Benny almost drowned at the beach on a trip with her parents. Since then she has had nightmares about that day her whole life, never getting a break from them. Put on top of that her job at the animal shelter, and her life at college, will she ever sleep. Her anxiety has been attached to her hip since she learned she had it, never leaving her side and always make sure she suffers. But she also has another thing attached to side, her best friend Tim. Tim has been there with her since her first year at college, and even after he's graduated he sticks by her side, sometimes rubbing his graduation in her face, until the day he gets a call to rush home. Now Benny is alone and wishing for a friend. Is she truly alone though? Not long after her best friends departure, Alexander Mosai enters her life. He's hot, he's proper, and he has the gift of making Benny's heart do cartwheels whenever he so much as looks in her direction. When he decides to help her along on her journey up fight anxiety, Benny realizes maybe she can continue on without Tim, maybe Alex can help her survive in this harsh world of hormones, anxiety attacks, dog shit, and a hot guy knocking on your door. Only time will tell what happens to Benny Sinclair in this story of loneliness, anxiety, and trying to find comfort in the arms of the hottest man to have graced the earth. Oh, and being…