Loving High Above

Loving High Above

42 2 2

The End is just a beginningSummary: What if Justin's dad did a lot more harm then just beating Brian up?Notes: Repost of an old work from 2006 (orginally posted on Livejournal) Written as an answer to a personal challenge, set by my friend evionn and myself. A "What if" story. 500 words minimum. I might one day write a kinda sequel with a different ending than this one but I was pretty down when I wrote this. I can't remember if this was ever beta read by someone. I don't own nothing and I do not make any money with this.Loving High AboveSummary: How "life" goes on after Craig Taylor has killed Brian and Justin.Notes: I just found the kinda sequel to "The end is just a begining" (Written 2008 if my word doc is corect) This is kind of a sequel/continuation of my QaF story "The end is just the begining". I just couldn't let it end like that, so this is what happened to the boys after they were killed. Metatron is mentioned, cuz I just love Alan Rickman as an angel. Those wonderful wings.*sigh* In this story I picture the wings like the are shown in the movie "Dogma", but I took a few liberties with the colour. It might help if you have seen "Dogma", but it is not necessary to understand the story. use of angels, I don't want to offend anybody, by portraying angels as they are shown here, if you don't like it, don't read it.…

Stand by your man

Stand by your man

21 1 1

Summary: In the scene where Brian finds Justin in New York, Gale looked really tired and beat up. Why is that? It couldn't all be Make Up.Notes: Repost of an old story from 2006 (Livejournal) Written as an answer to a personal challenge, set by my friend evionn and myself. Write a RPS story explaining why Gale looked really beat up when he finds Justin in New York. 500 words minimum. Not beat read.…



25 1 1

Summary: Brian has something to celebrate, he does so with style and with his boy toy of course.Notes: Repost of an old story from 2006 (Livejournal) Written as a personal challenge from Evionn. 5 random words (wine, 1001, flower pot, lipstick and noctilucent color) at least 500 words and 1 week till deadline. I know that it would be near to impossible for Brian to have 1001 clients, but for the sake of the story lets pretend he is that fucking good! LOL Not sure if this was ever beta read, sorry. I do not own anything and I make no money.…

Gedanken an einem Herbsttag

Gedanken an einem Herbsttag

10 1 1

Summary: Orlando macht sich Gedanken über sein Leben.Notes: Eine meiner wenigen Geschichten in deutsch. Platz 5 beim Herbst Contest auf Room4Bloom Orginal veröffentlicht: 04.11.2007 bei FF@OBL…