Devil Reloaded

Devil Reloaded

3,261 215 7

Megha ran her hands over his taut, mascular chest & gazed into his eyes.Megha- I love You Vikram.Vikram pulled her close & cupped her face as he leaned in.She can feel his hot breath on her face.Vikram- Love you too.Megha- Vikram,I will never leave you. No matter where you might go, I'll always follow you. (Megha stroke his cheek).Vikram did not doubt it for a moment.How could he? Hasn't she followed him from one life to the next?…



20,655 1,502 58

It was a cold & rainy night.A man was hurried through the darkness towards his car. The wind slapped forcefully against his face. His hand found the door and he traced his way to the keyhole. As he quickly unlocked the car and scrambled inside.He took out his mobile from his pocket & started typing something with his trembling hands.From his body language, one can easily figure out, that he is in tension.Suddenly, someone knocked at his car's window.The man looked outside with a terror in his eyes.But without giving any chance, A bullet came through the window, shattered the window and hit in the man's chest.But before taking his last breath, the man pressed the Send option in his mobile & sent a mail in some unknown ID.The Clock in his hand read 2:30AM.…

Melancholy, An OS

Melancholy, An OS

464 31 1

A One Shot Dedicated to All Soldiers & their families. A Big Salute to all of them.Aham Sharma as Captain Agniva Banerjee.…

Soumojit Series. Story 1, VIPERS

Soumojit Series. Story 1, VIPERS

388 20 2

A Detective Series. STORY 1- VIPERS.The brutal murder of an elderly woman who lived alone at her own apartment sent shock waves through the city of joy, Kolkata. Will Soumojit Mukherjee & His team be able to solve the mystery?…

The Art, Culture & Mysteries of INDIA

The Art, Culture & Mysteries of INDIA

124 16 2

Many says it is very difficult to understand & define India in one go.This book is consists of some mysterious, some cultural & some historical information about INDIA.Collected from various books, websites & also from my travel diaries.…