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For when people tag me ^^…

Night's Masque

Night's Masque

0 0 1

The year is 2021. A deadly virus has swept across the world, and Clara McCarthy is caught right in the middle. After returning home, she finds that her parents and little brother are gone. Eager to find them, she gathers some supplies and leaves the familiar feelings of home behind. The the world has drastically changed, and not for good either...can Clara survive in this new hostile world, or will she end up like everyone else?…

Silent Soul

Silent Soul

147 7 8

Sophia Wells spent most of her childhood going between foster families and the orphanage. She has no idea who her real parents are or even her other family, and music has been what has helped her get through things. One day, she discovers Sabaton and they quickly become her all time favorite band. However, never in a million years would she have thought that her impossible dream would actually come true...…

AI Dungeon Adventures

AI Dungeon Adventures

11 0 9

Ever heard of AI Dungeon? Well, this is a collection of some "adventures" I've done with it. It's an online thing we're you can basically play D&D by yourself. It's not perfect by any means (as you'll see in some stories) but it's still fun. WARNING ⚠️ some stories may have mild to lots of swearing/cursing.…

Echo *a Rurouni Kenshin fanfic*

Echo *a Rurouni Kenshin fanfic*

208 3 6

Years after the Bakumatsu, a bloody revolution in Japan, a red haired girl named Akasuki saves Kaoru Kamiya from being killed by a guy claiming to be the legendary Hitokiri Battosai. After, she helps Kaoru save her dojo and ends up staying with her. The two quickly become best friends and soon add a new student of the Kamiya Kasshin style: Yahiko Myojin. Then one day, she encounters someone who she'd been looking for ever since the Bakumatsu ended.…

Rurouni Kenshin Photo Album

Rurouni Kenshin Photo Album

3,139 149 106

Just a fun random thing I felt like doing. I've had quite a bit of success with these in the past so I figured why not do it for my top favorite anime XD…

Supernatural Photo Album

Supernatural Photo Album

30 25 26

A collection of amazing SPN pictures of the gang XD and some quotes! WARNING ⚠️ May contain possible spoilers!…

Stories Best Left Forgotten

Stories Best Left Forgotten

18 0 5

...why am I sharing this? I have no clue.WARNING: much cringe worthiness ahead!!!! These are stories I wrote YEARS ago. They are all super cringy and most of them I've rewritten (or are in progress of rewriting) AT LEAST once, possibly more (coughTMNTcough). Don't judge these stories because...well I know they're bad ok? XD I PROMISE you my writing has gotten SO MUCH BETTER lolololol (just check out Echo and Night's Masque ^^)Anyway, here are some of my early stories for your laughing pleasure.…