Ten and One Verses: Some of the Greatest Poetry in History
Hello, here is a list of classics, namely, eleven of some of the greatest poems and verses.…
Hello, here is a list of classics, namely, eleven of some of the greatest poems and verses.…
Hello, this is a piece concerning minimalism. I have added a radio style reading of the piece, from myself, which you can listen to.Copyright © 2017 M. Charles…
Hello, here is a list of my ten rules of writing; they should become second nature.…
Hello, here I have created a book of my quotes and so forth, ranging from five words to one line. I have always been interested in the art of brevity, and the aphorism is just that.Copyright © 2017 M. Charles…
Hello, here is a long list of words I have induced. Some may you know already, some you may not.…
Hello, ladies and gentlemen. This is my name creation guide, for both fantasy and sci-fi, in which, I hope to teach you how to create an endless supply of good, meaningful names -- and you do not need to sit there for hours thinking of random words.…
Hello, here is my own list of 100 essential thinkers.…
Hello ladies and gentlemen, here are the parts I feel are most relevant and insightful to storytelling, creative writing, worldbuilding, and otherwise similar creations of drama, and, therefore, relevant and insightful to Wattpad.…
Hello, here is a list of Elements of Drama. I have taken many lists to see which are found and in what order, the main list being Aristotle's Six Elements of Drama. Note that some of these can be changed around, and, in fact, sometimes should be.…
This is my entry into the 'Wonder'/'Kindness' contest here on Wattpad. Lieu of fiction, I am going to use non-fiction. Note: I am in England, UK, so, if I am not to win anything at all since I am not American, that is fine with me, friends and sirs, I merely hope to enter.Thank You.…
Hello ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, friends, comrades.I am going to see if it is at all possible to create a 'club' page via a story post. One chapter will be regarding a different topic, comments, personal messages, etc. will be used to function as a 'club'. I even have some other ideas, early days.…
Hello, this is my book on miniature wargaming, namely, finding the stage between postmodern and hypermodern tabletop/miniature wargaming. I mean to remove chance and insert pure strategy. Copyright © 2017 M. Charles…
This is my writing guide meant for good prose and a way to find your own voice and style, among other things. Copyright © 2017 M. Charles…
This is my first ever limerick.…
This is a guide for worldbuilding, as the title suggests. And in the section, I shall be going through the five steps of worldbuilding. Copyright © 2016 M. Charles…