Adventures Of An Amateur Ghost Hunter: The Somner House

Adventures Of An Amateur Ghost Hunter: The Somner House

12 2 1

Ally Foster believes that nothing good ever comes easy and it really doesn't, especially now that she's entangled in the world of the supernatural. While in the process of learning to control her newly discovered psychic abilities, she and her ghost hunting counterpart, Jackson, delve into the unsolved case of The Somner House in the hopes of unraveling the mystery behind a missing family and their phantom phone calls.…

Light Of Asteria

Light Of Asteria

1,134 41 34

According to prophecy, the ruby comet shooting across the sky signifies the dawn of darkness. A pact between a mysterious entity with The Demon Lord, Sanheim, will unleash a legion of undead and demons throughout the lands. Salvation, for the people of the city of Asteria, lies in the belief that a hero chosen by The Great Mother, the goddess of life, will rise to unveil the source behind the corruption and destroy the evil unleashed. A light in the darkness, hope is all that remains.In a world where unauthorized magic is penalized by death, Juno and his twin sister, Lucia, are lucky to be recognized for their unique abilities in combat and holy magic. They're plucked from the streets of Asteria's bottom tier and thrust inside the walls of the Holy Temple, narrowly escaping demise. For eight years, Juno is trained as a Holy Knight while Lucia learns to perfect the art of holy magic, after being declared the prophesied priestess destined to vanquish Sanheim. Yet, shadows loom in the halls and deceit runs afoul. Juno and Lucia are left to question their faith, and everything they know as truth, when the rebellious leader Kane, a descendant of an opposing royal bloodline, threatens to usurp the church on the grounds that its overseers are not as virtuous as they claim to be.…

Scarlet Snow

Scarlet Snow

5 0 1

"Yes, I am aware of the situation . . . I'll take care of it myself."After eavesdropping on her Uncle Dmitri's heated phone conversation, Katarina braves the cold to journey deep into the heart of the woods and discovers Nicoli, a potential new family member with a secret to hide. When her uncle pulls a gun on the young man, a question arises: can she walk away again? To Katarina, the answer is obvious-the killing has to stop.…

Beast Of Blood

Beast Of Blood

82 4 1

Death follows Scott more than his own shadow, seemingly tenfold when he assumes the identity of his alter ego-Vincent Peterson, the estranged author. Bookstore keeper by day and expert in the field of parapsychology and occult sciences by night, it takes a Halloween party turned ritualistic summoning for him to finally uncover the reason why.…

Adventures Of An Amateur Ghost Hunter: Riverhaven Sanatorium

Adventures Of An Amateur Ghost Hunter: Riverhaven Sanatorium

229 21 7

-Honorable Mention in the Open Novella Contest 2022- Ally receives more than she bargains for on her adventure to the local sanatorium, a spiritual attachment! Plagued with nightmares, taunted by a shadowy entity, and now experiencing physical attacks, she seeks the help of the eccentric, ghost hunting Jackson and begins her journey deeper into the supernatural world.…



9 2 1

The planet of Syltania is dying and Navia's only chance of survival is to rely on a group of spacemen who arrived before her birth. While trying to escape, an incredible action spells the fate of her and her two younger sisters.Originally written for the NYCMidnight Short Story Challenge.…

Sheep's Clothing

Sheep's Clothing

12 3 1

One wild night. A great time with friends. Forgetting an ex. All reasonable goals, until Ellie meets Lucas. Expecting to have a one night stand, Ellie's desire distorts into terror as Lucas reveals the monster underneath his skin.…



52 8 4

A virtual reality game, a group of friends, a terrible accident, and an outside force that influences the world beyond the players control. Obsession is a collection of short stories and other works of fiction revolving around the characters within the World of Spectrum, a fantasy themed virtual reality game. From backstory to in-game encounters, Obsession encompasses themes such as acceptance, love, depression, friendship, and family. All while the characters fight to survive, both in-game and real-world. Each chapter within Obsession can be read as a stand alone, however, all revolve around characters within the same universe. So, sit back. Relax. Enter the World of Spectrum.…

The Shadow Stalks At Night

The Shadow Stalks At Night

35 8 1

-Honorable Mention in the Halloween Vault Contest 2021-Be careful when you wake in the middle of the night, someone or something might be watching. A warning Blake's mother gives her as their typical Halloween ritual comes to an end. Little does she know, her mother's words ring true when Blake is visited by the Shadowman, an ominous entity who appears before unfortunate events.…

The Violinist

The Violinist

8 4 1

Jennifer Blake has just bought the house of her dreams or so she thinks. Disbelieving of the supernatural, reality takes an interesting turn when she comes face to face with the ghost of Bell Manor and her happily ever after morphs into a nightmare.…

Come Little Children

Come Little Children

35 5 1

At the stroke of midnight, Jessie's small town is plagued by a curse and has been every night since the burning of the black book. Sheltering in the bathroom at the demands of her father, Jessie protects her younger brother, Silas, from the malevolent spirits harbingering death.…

Icarus (Novella - Five Part Series)

Icarus (Novella - Five Part Series)

77 16 6

It's the last day in the small town of Shady Brook before senior graduation and Matthew has everything planned. His schedule involves having a quality conversation with his younger sister, spending time with friends, and enjoying one last summer fling before attending college on a full ride scholarship. All that remains for him is to attend the senior party at the house by the lake. Told through the eyes of the women in his life, Matthew's story shows the fall of a young man with great potential as he succumbs to the weakness of bad decisions, peer pressure, and a good time.…

Lost At Sea

Lost At Sea

16 3 1

When Delvin Acton uncovers a beautiful maiden on the beach while searching for oysters and crabs, he's left with the predicament of assisting her to locate her missing item or convincing her to take his arm and return to town. Given Delvin's good nature, the choice is simple. However, he's unaware the price he must pay for aiding the mysterious beauty is a piece of his heart and soul.…

Another Day Longer

Another Day Longer

12 5 1

A young widow reminisces on memories of her late husband, during the evening of his birthday, as she struggles to come to terms with his absence. When her four year old son, Leo, interrupts her quiet moment by the lake, the woman discovers that the love she and her husband once shared continues through the legacy of their child. This story is written for the #ModernLoveContest.…

Royals (Flash Fiction)

Royals (Flash Fiction)

13 4 1

Set in the year 2075, the earth is in chaos, overcrowded, and polluted. Luckily, for a group of orphans, their courageous leader stands between them and the cruel world which threatens to swallow them whole. Having been on her own for years and being the eldest of the group, Queen Beatrix knows the sacrifice she must make when her loyal subject, Lilith, comes to her with a dangerous plan.…

Mother Of The Veil (Flash Fiction)

Mother Of The Veil (Flash Fiction)

7 3 1

An ominous presence has been stalking Alice and her newborn son, Kian. Determined, Alice travels with her friend, Ebba, to Tarfala Valley and performs a ritual in order to contain the malevolent spirit to prevent her new family from being tormented any longer.…

Mourning At Dawn (FlashFiction)

Mourning At Dawn (FlashFiction)

18 5 1

After the worst months of his life, John is finally prepared to exact revenge on the malevolent force shrouding his home, as long as his concerned neighbor, Scott, doesn't distract him from following through with his plans. Shotgun in hand, John guards his quiet suburban home in the early hours of the morning, attempting to ignore his nosy neighbor.…

A Winning Ticket (Short Story)

A Winning Ticket (Short Story)

8 3 1

When Sofie's grandparents spend the last of their hard-earned fortune to buy lottery tickets, a tough conversation between feuding family members ensues. All that she can do is wait for the evening news with her selfish brother, Andrew, to find out what has become of their inheritance.…